2) Staying

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I couldn’t believe my eyes…. I never thought ever in my life to see Kim Taehyung ever in my life.

Flashback 7 Years Ago

Y/n: “Please don’t do this to me”

Taehyung: “I’m sorry, I don’t need you anymore, goodbye, And don’t come looking for me.”

Taehyung left me crying my whole heart out.

Y/n: “Don’t worry Kim Taehyung we won’t ever see each other again”

And if we do. I promise you….. You will pay. The Y/n you will see in the future is going to be dead on cold.

End of Flashback

Still till this day I hate him sooo much. He betrayed me. He used me. We started dating when I was 16 and he was 15. We broke up on our 1 year anniversary. He hurt me so much. Still till this day I don’t know why, but he all he said was he didn’t love me anymore and just played around with my feelings. After he left me crying on the floor I had depression and started cutting. I became a whole new person in one day.

And now during these past 7 years. I tease many guys now, not by choice. These men in world these days are horny mammals. I would always use them and kill them, for my missions of course.

When Taehyung broke up with me. He suddenly disappeared. He left my school, his house, and from my life. It hurt, but I didn’t care after the first week.

I joined the company when I was 17. At age 17 that’s when I started my training. I learned how to shoot from far distances and short distances. I learned how to throw and use a knife. I learned all the pressure points on the body. Just one poke on the neck and in 10 seconds you're dead. I learned how to use all type of weapons. By age 19 I was done training and by that age I’ve already been on multiple missions.

People still say I look like a high school student because of natural beauty. That’s my secret weapon on to lure my prey during my missions. Till this day I still get compliments on the streets about my beauty. Even in the entertainment they always say it looks I haven’t aged one bit.

I was pulled back to reality when Jungkook said my name.

Jungkook: “Noona? Gwenchana?”

Y/n: “Huh? Yeah.” I said recomposing myself.

Jungkook: “Anyways…. Hyung introduce yourself” he said happily.

(BTW nobody knows about my past with Taehyung.)

Taehyung: “Annyeong, I’m Kim Taehyung”

Pfft. I know who you are… This will be fun… Let’s play a game Kim Taehyung.

Y/n: “Mhm okay” I said coldly but looked at him up and down on his figure then smirked.

Not bad. I thought. He grew up well.

Taehyung POV

Doesn’t she remember me? Isn’t this Jeon Y/n back in our highschool days? It has to be her right? She looks so much like her. Plus Jungkook is here and he is a Jeon also. And why does she sound so cold?

End Taehyung POV

Your POV

My game? Simple. I don’t know him. We’re complete strangers. We have no history. We’re new to each other, but just one other thing. I hate him that right now I wish I can kill him in front of everyone. However, I know I can’t because I will be punished and suspended from the “Big Boss” in my company.

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