10) Epilogue

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5 years later...

Y/n: “Yah, Kim Taehyung did you change Taehi’s diapers already?!!


A sudden running stomping feet were going upstairs making me sigh.

5 mins later.

Taehyung: “I did it!” -he gave me a cheeky smile.

Y/n: Good now watch her while I go get Hyunwoo from school.

Taehyung frowned.

Taehyung: “Can’t we just come with you?”

Y/n: “Taehi is young and peacefully sleeping… You want to her beauty sleep?”

Taehyung: “Just put her in a carrier and place her in a car and we be leavin”

Y/n: “yah! She needs the sleep, she can’t fully get this beauty if you keep disturbing the process” - I flip my hair.

Taehyung scoffs

Taehyung: “How come Hyunwoo didn’t have that then?!”

Taehyung: “You kept disturbing the ‘process’ just so you can get food”

Y/n: “I was pregnant with Taehi!! Pregnant women needs food!”

Taehyung groans.

Taehyung: Why can’t we just come with you?!


Hyunwoo: “Appa!”

Taehyung: “Hyunie!”

He hugs him and scoops him up in his arms.

I came to them while carrying Taehi in my arms.

Hyunwoo pushes out of Taehyung’s embrace.

Hyunwoo: “baby sis!”

Taehyung stumbles down a bit and Hyunwoo ran away from him accidentally stomping on Taehyung’s thigh.

Taehyung winces while I watch and softly giggle.

Hyunwoo slowly rubs Taehi’s head making her shift awake.

She giggles cutely making Hyunwoo tip toe a bit higher and squeeze her cheeks

Hyungwoo: “Haha you look ugly and pwetty!”

I softly giggle and stood up once I saw Taehyung limping towards us.

Taehyung: “Hyunie, you hurt appa!” -he frowns and pouts at the same time.

Hyunwoo: “You too ugly das why!

Taehyung: “Yah!”

Hyunwoo: “Im more handsome than you” -he flips his hair.

Taehyung: “You’re just like your mother” -he muttered.

Y/n: “Hyunie, you made appa said, say sorry”

He looks at Taehyung.

Hyunwoo: “Eomma, you can say sorry to him for me!”

Hyunwoo came up to me and hugged my leg he tugged my pants and I bent down towards him.

Hyunwoo: “Eomma, I want a baby brother” - he whispers

I widened my eyes and looked at him.

I glanced at Taehyung and he looks at me curiously. I smirked at him.

Y/n: “Don’t worry Hyunie. Mommy surely will get you a baby brother”


It was already night time, Taehi and Hyunwoo already dead asleep. I finished up cleaning dishes and fixing up all the toys that were around the house.

Y/n: “Aish, Taehyung is on vacation break right now the least he can do is help me also” -I puffed a breath of air.

I walked upstairs into our bedroom seeing a stupid figure laying on our bed snoring away.

‘Aish such a lazy husband’

I sighed and went to our bathroom getting ready to shower. I glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall, ‘10:37’

I sighed once again changing out of clothes and hopping into the shower.

As I was showering a thought came up into my mind.

‘Eomma, I want a baby brother!’

I smirked.

I quickly shut off the shower and dried myself at the same time. I quickly walked out just with a towel around me, hanging loosely.

I purposely started opening drawers and slamming them a bit loud. A groan was heard from the bed making me smirk and roll my eyes at the same time.

Taehyung: “Oh shit, it’s already 11” - he mutters

He looks at me while my back was still facing him.

Taehyung: “Babe, it’s late lets go sleep” -he gestures me to come in his embrace.

I ignored him and grabbed my undergarments and walked into our bathroom purposely leaving the door half shut.

I dropped my towel on the floor and started to slip into my underwear.

The door opened a bit and I saw Taehyung stopped moving a froze staring at my body.

I turned to him and smirked..

I leaped onto him a pushed his body against the wall.

Y/n: “Y’know, Hyunwoo I asked me to do something for him today”

I brushed my lips on his staring at him with my lustful eyes.

I can see Taehyung gulping harshly.

Taehyung: “What was it?”

I pushed my body against his.

Y/n: “He wanted a baby brother…”

I smashed my lips onto his and didnt hesitate to kiss me back.

He pushed my body a bit and lifted me up by my thighs. He carried us to our bedroom and laid me down gently. His hands went down and pulled my underwear down.

He let go of our kiss attacking my jaw and kissing down my neck. I moaned at the feeling and started to pull his shirt over his head. My hand went down and tugged into his shorts.

He pulled away and pulled his shorts down quickly along with his boxers.

He kissed my body again and trailed them above my clit. He pecks my pussy and then shoves his tongue.

He licks, bites, and eats my pussy. I grabbed onto his hair tugging it, rocking my hips against his mouth.

Y/n: “Fuck”

I sigh out a moan as Taehyung pulled away and pecks my lips.

Taehyung thrusts his dick into me as my arms clutch the bedsheets. I looked at him and moaned. My arms wrapped around his neck.

He quickly started to thrust into me as my moans grew a bit louder. I flipped our bodies over making Taehyung lay down.

I breathed heavily on his face and started to move my hips. Taehyung threw his back and thrusted with me also.

His movements became and so did mine. He thrusted a few more times and my walls started to clench and unclench around as my body twitch around him.

Taehyung’s dick started to twitch also as he felt my walls milking him. He came into my pussy and sighed.

I collapsed onto his chest as I felt Taehyung slowly pull out.

Y/n: I love you Taehyung.

Taehyung: I love you too Y/n.

The End.

Guys after like 7 months its done. My life has been really hectic and stressful. I will be working on [21+ BTS FF Kim Taehyung] “Sex Slave” now. Please check it out. I hope you enjoyed this book!

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