3) Does She Remember?

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I bumped into something hard and fell on my butt.

Y/n: “Yah watch where you are going pabo!” I yelled at the pabo’s face while getting up.

Taehyung: “Pabo?!”

Y/n: “Yah pabo, problem?” I said coldly with eyes that could kill someone in a matter of seconds.

Taehyung: “First of all my name is Taehyung. Second always this rude to your guests?”

Y/n: “Ok first of all I don’t care. Second of all my house my rules” I say mockingly.

Taehyung: “Bu-”

Jungkook/Jin: “Dinner’s ready!!!!”

I walked downstairs leaving Taehyung from finishing his sentence.

Jungkook: “Yah! I told you I was going to say it!”

Jin: “Yah?!” “How dare you say ‘Yah’ to me!? I’m your hyung! I’m Pink Princess for crying out loud!”

Jungkook: “Well yeah?! I’m the golden maknae!”

Irritated by all the yelling, I walked into a kitchen and grabbed a knife…. (she has anger issues that gets her triggered easily)

While Jungkook and Jin were still yelling at each other I threw the knife in the space in between their heads making it stuck in the wall, having everyone fall silent.

Jin and Jungkook looked where the knife was stuck at in fear.

Y/n: “Feel free to continue yelling at each other, I will make sure I won’t miss the next time, sibling or not” I said coldly while walking towards the dining table.

After that incident, I sat myself down while everyone else follows behind me still a bit dazed after what I just pulled off. While we were eating my phone buzzed. I glanced at it seeing a text from my big boss saying I need to report 2 hours early than usual, meaning I have be there by 8am.

Y/n: “Ugh” I said under my breath.

Jungkook: “You okay noona?”

Y/n: “I’m fine, I’m heading to my room for now” I said and got up.

Jungkook: “Ah… noona… we’re going to watch a movie in the living room right now. Wanna join us?” he said with pleading eyes as a sign he will cry if I saw no.

*Groans* I swear Jungkook you’re just like 5 year old.

I looked back at the 6 members who just finished eating.

Y/n: “Sure” I said hesitantly.

Jungkook: “Great, kdrama or kmovie? He asked the members

BTS except Jungkook: “Kdrama!”

Jungkook: “Great we’re watching the whole series then” he said happily.

After we washed dishes we went to living room and decided to watch Strong Woman Do Bong Soon.

I sat in between Taehyung and Jungkook towards the left end of the couch. We started watching the show up till episode 12 and it was already 11pm.

Y/n: “Ima head to bed Jungkook, just when you’re done, show your friends their rooms” I said and looked towards him…. He’s sleeping.

I looked over at the members having sleepy looks on their faces. I got up and said to them,

Y/n: “Follow me if you don’t want to sleep on the floor” I said turning around going up the stairs.

My home has 10 bedrooms leaving 8 guest bedrooms which is only going to be only 2 more bedrooms now since BTS is staying with us. Why? Because the big boss in our company says so and he says that I have to take care of them like they’re my own children even though Jin is the mom in their group.

I walked down the hall opening a 4 doors.

Y/n: “Here is 4 bedrooms I don’t care whose is whose pick one and sleep and I will come during midnight to sing you a lullaby” I said creepily.

Jin: “No I will sing them a lullaby fight me Y/n I’m the mom!”

I death glared Jin.

Y/n: “Whatever pleases you omma Jin” I said nicely since Jin is older than me I always respect my elders.

Even though I was just joking it’s good to see Jin still being the same. I feel bad for pushing them all away, they must have dealt with a lot for my sudden change of personality.

I shook those thoughts away because even though they live with us now, I have no intention going back to myself.

I looked back to the members to see who still needs a bed. Taehyung and Yoongi.

Y/n: “C’mon the other bedrooms are down this hall.

I walk towards my bed since the other rooms are there. I opened the door on the left side of my room and Yoongi went in there.

Then I went towards the door on the right side of my bedroom.

Y/n: “Here’s your room, you can sleep now” I said and went to open my door to go pass out. But-

*groan* I found myself on the wall having my back hurt because I’m really tired. Taehyung pinned me against the wall having my hands pinned above my head. I can easily get out of this, but I don’t really feel like wasting my precious energy.

Taehyung looked at me and leaned towards my face dangerously close.

Taehyung: “Don’t you remember me?”

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