5) Mission

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Y/n: “Don’t tell me what to do. Leave me alone or I will kill you right here on the spot!” I said aiming right at his face.

Taehyung let out a chuckle.

I held my gun more firm and tight while pointing it at him. He walked closer to me and held the gun which I was holding. Taehyung leaned in close to my ear and whispered.

Taehyung: “Let go of the gun Y/n… be a good girl and let go.”

His voice… ugh no. I let go of the gun and he took it out of my hands. We stayed in this position even though I thought he would’ve back away already. But in fact he went even closer to my body.

Taehyung: “You wouldn’t shoot me” he said whispering still.

Y/n: “You don’t know that” I said and tried to get the gun again.

Taehyung let out another chuckle.

Taehyung: “You’re just making me more curious about you” he says and lifted the back of my shirt a bit and put the gun back in the gun holder where I always place it.

I froze on the spot by his sudden move.

Shit no. My heart. Stop you stupid heart. Don’t beat for him. Don’t beat! I can’t fall for him again.

Taehyung: “There you’re gun is back in place.” he said and smiled.

Y/n: “Ah.. yeah?”

Taehyung: “Just tell me about the details later when I get home 9:00pm, see you Jagi” he said and smirked at the end.

Before I can respond he walked away.

Y/n: “Damnit Taehyung” I said quietly.

“Oh my poor hearteu, you can stop beating fast now” I said to myself and placed a hand over it.

“Jinja, my heart is going melt if he is always around” I thought again and became angry.

“Nuh-uh Taehyung, I’ve been like this for 7 years, no one not even you can turn me back the ‘Old Y/n’, I’m sorry, but you’re the cause of this, this your karma” with that I walked away and went back home.

*Time Skip*

It’s already 9:15pm and I decided to go get ready. I went to go take a long shower because it usually soothes me before I have to do a mission. I finished showering and dried myself and my hair. Then went to find an outfit.

“Hm, I need something sexy and club like” I said and smiled when I found something perfect. (insert an image of ‘club clothes’ and put anything that’s nice)

“Now makeup” I said with annoying tone because I prefer no makeup at all, but since I need catch this guy and seduce him, me with makeup makes me look hotter, but also a slut. (insert an image of ‘club makeup’ and put anything that’s nice)

Taehyung: “Yah Y/n hurry so we get there early!” he shouted from downstairs.

Y/n: “Don’t rush me! Do you expect a girl to get ready fast?!” I shouted back.

Taehyung POV

Me: “As if you are a girl….” I whispered to myself

??: “Are you saying my sister is a guy then?” someone said behind me

Me: “Ah! Jungkook! You scared me! And no, I didn’t say you’re sister is guy” I said raising my voice 2 octaves high.

Jungkook: “Nice lying hyung” he said rolling his eyes.

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