7) Pain

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This scent is so familiar to me. Is it really you? The boy that made me feel better every time I got a wound? Why didn’t I notice it was him? He’s been near me for so long.

Yoongi: “Are you okay Y/n?”

I looked at him. He had a T-shirt on rather than a sweater like always.

I looked at his arm… The scar. It’s him…. It’s you…

Yoongi: “Y/n Y/n Y/N!!!”

I was still staring at his arm.

Y/n: “It’s you? It’s you isn’t it?” I looked at him to see him looking at me worried.

Yoongi: “What’s wrong Y/n? What do you mean it’s me?” his expression went back to normal.

Y/n: “You’re that boy when I was 13… The one who told me,

“From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says I’ve survived”

He smiled at me.

Yoongi: “You still remember” he smiled brightly.

I stand back up normally because Yoongi was still holding me.

I stared at him for a couple minutes…

Yoongi: “Y/n-ah”

Yoongi: “Are you sure yo-”

I jumped on him and hugged him so tightly….

Y/n: “Oh my god…. It’s you… I missed you!” my voice cracking by the second.

Yoongi chuckled…

Yoongi: “Took you long enough” he hugged me back at stroke my hair.

I let go of the hug immediately….

Yoongi looked at me confused.

Y/n: “You… knew…. THIS WHOLE TIME?!??!?!?” I said clenching my fists….

Yoongi: “Y/n I have a-”

Y/n: “I have to kill 2 boys right now….”

Yoongi: “Wait Y/n let’s talk through this… We just found each other again” he said trying to calm me down

Y/n: “1… 2…. 3…..”

Yoongi dashed into the lobby while I run after him…

Yoongi went to the elevator a second before it closed…

Y/n: “Shit”

I looked back to where it’s going.

“Up to Hyung-sik’s office” I said to myself.

I ran to the stairs and started running…

Dasi run run run

I got there and the elevator just opened…


There was a crowd of people getting out since there is a lot of offices on this floor.

I kept glaring at the elevator and Yoongi was the last one to come out.

He looked at me shocked at started running.

Yoongi: “Hyung!!!! Help me!!! Your beautiful favorite agent is going to kill me!!!!” he started running towards his office.

But I was to focused into killing him I didn’t realize we were heading there.

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