4) Stupid and Hate

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Taehyung: “Don’t you remember me”

I looked at him confused then smirked.

Y/n: “Of course”

Taehyung: “Really?! Oh thank god”

Y/n: “You’re Kim Taehyung aka V, new member in BTS also in BigHit and in the company. I also just met you… 3 hours ago since my Kookie introduced you to me and you’re going to be living with me from now on”

Taehyung looked dumbfounded at me. I kept staring at his expression and I couldn’t help, but die of laughter inside.

Taehyung: “H-huh?”

Y/n: “What did you expect I would say Taehyung-ssi?”

Taehyung: “Ah… n-nothing” he stuttered a bit.

Y/n: “If that’s it, goodnight” I said and pushed him off of me since he still pinned my on the wall.

Taehyung: “Ah night…” he said and walked into his room.

I walked into my room and burst into laughter. Taehyung you pabo, this is more fun than I thought.

Taehyung POV

Oh. My. God.

AHHHHH!!!!! She might be thinking I’m a weirdo who lost their mind!!! Is it her though? But she denied it. She looked completely lost on what I said, but that smirk on her face proved something….  I have to keep trying. I know it’s her. She looks like her. Her voice is the same as hers! She’s just cold now….. Why though? As I was thinking I didn’t realize I fell asleep.

End Taehyung POV

Your POV

*Alarm goes off*

Y/n: “God damnit, Shut up shut up SHUT UP!!!” I yelled annoyed because I hate mornings

*beep beep beep beep*


I grabbed the gun under my pillow and pulled the trigger on my clock.

*Bang* *Bang *Bang*


As you can see I’m not a morning person.

*running footsteps*

Oh my lord. When can I have my peace?!

BTS: “WTF?! Are you okay?! Why was there gunshots?!”

Y/n: “Something disturbed my beauty sleep” I said and used my gun to point at my broken alarm clock.

Jungkook: “Aish! Jinja?! Again?!”

I opened my eyes and pointed my gun at him.

Y/n: “You!”

Then I put my gun against my lips having the shooting part point at the ceiling.

Y/n: “Shhh.” I said while closing my eyes again.

Jungkook: “Noona.” he says while calming himself down while almost having a heart attack again.

Jungkook: “You should get up now, Big Boss Park texted me to remind you because he knows you're not a morning person.”

I smirked because Park knows me so well. But then I realized what Jungkook said again. I shot my eyes open and grabbed my phone off from the nightstand.

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