You wake up sometime later to the sound of someone playing a violin. You grab the dressing gown on your door and pull it closed around you as you enter the corridor. You see Tessa enter the corridor as you realise it is Jem who is playing the violin. Tessa grabs your hand before opening the door and pulling you in to the room. She reels back in surprise at the sight of Jem causing you to give a small smile. As if he has heard the two of you come on Jem stops playing his violin and you frown. You loved the music he was making with the violin.
"Will? Will, is that you?" He questions without opening his eyes.
Tessa says nothing as you lean against the wall. You smirk as she obviously flounders in silence. Eventually Jem turns in your direction as there is no answer to his question.
"Will-" he starts, and then, seeing you two, his lips part in surprise. "You're not Will."
You give a small smile watching your sister look at Jem. His eyes flicked to yours and he nods acknowledging your presence which you return with a smile. You want to laugh at how shocked your sister is, but you don't know why she is surprised. She did just come in here without announcing herself and dragging you along as usual. You're about to speak when she finally finds her voice.
"I'm so sorry," she says clearing her throat. "I-I didn't mean to come in here like this. It's-my room is across the hall and"
"That's all right." Jem says lowering his violin from his shoulder. "You're Miss Gray, aren't you? (Y/N)'s sister? The shape-changed girl. Will told me a bit about you."
"Oh," she replies making you softly snicker.
"Oh?" Jem says raising his eyebrows. "You don't sound terribly pleased that I know who you are."
"It's that I think Will is angry with me and (Y/N) does love to tell stories," Tessa explains. "So whatever they told you-"
Jem laughs causing you to smile. "Will is angry with everyone," he says. "I don't let it colour my judgement and your sister didn't get a chance to speak to me that much when I met her earlier."
Jem turns and sets his violin and bow down before turning back around. When he does turn around he is smiling. "I should have introduced myself earlier," he says. "I'm James Carstairs. Please call me Jem-everyone does."
"Oh you're Jem. You weren't at dinner." Tessa says reminding you that you weren't either. "Charlotte said you were ill. Are you feeling better?"
He shrugs before locking eyes with you. "I was tired that's all."
You give a nod and tune out of the conversation at hand. You know Tessa is burning with curiosity about everything, so you quickly think about everything at hand. Obviously Will told Jem that you would be keeping his illness a secret from Tessa. Only you're curious as to what illness he does have and if you're guessing right then his parents are dead like yours are.
"Will told me that you came from very far away. Where did you live before?" You hear Tessa ask him.
"Shanghai," Jem says. "You know where that is?"
"China," you both reply, but Tessa does so with some indignation. "Doesn't everyone know that?" She continues.
Jem just grins causing you to give a small smile. "You'd be surprised."
"What were you doing in China?" Tessa asks and you raise an eyebrow at her.
"Shadowhunters live all over the world. My mother was Chinese; my father was British. They met in London and moved to Shanghai when he was offered the position of running the Institute there."
Tessa's startled emotion slams into you causing you to take a deep breath. You were right about Jem's parents considering his use of past tense when referring to them. Will on the other hand is a bit of a mystery. He seemed like an orphan, but that look in his eyes says he is not. That must mean he is not in contact with his family.
"I apologise for asking, but-your parents are dead, aren't they?"
"Did Will tell you that?"
"He didn't need to. We orphans learn to recognise one another. If I might ask-were you very young when it happened?"
"It's true if you pay attention Tessa. I saw it a few minutes ago with Jem. Will on the other hand I feel as if he isn't. We were three when they died in a carriage accident. I hardly remember them at all."
You know Tessa remembers them sometimes though. She is lucky she can remember anything whereas you remember nothing. Or it could be a blessing for you because you don't have the pain of remembering. You don't know which is the right answer, but sometimes you wish you could remember your parents like your siblings. Suddenly you see Will in the doorway and he cocks an eyebrow at you. You nod towards Tessa with a small smile.
"Booked as an owl, are you?" Jem says, not without affection.
You lose yourself as you watch the two parabati interact. If you didn't know that they weren't related you would swear they were brothers. Just the slightest things they do mimic one another and causes you to give a small smile.
"Actually, she wasn't a little girl at all, as it turns out, but a midget in a dress with a penchant for violence, who goes by the name of Six-Fingered Nigel."
You snicker watching the three of them together. A sense of foreboding enters you and you can't figure out why. At first, you begin to think you have imagined the feeling. Only it continues to grow as you stand in the room with the three. You cautiously watch the three when Jem begins coughing. Once he slides to the floor you and Will are instantly at his side. Even though you've only met the two boys today you care immensely about them. You feel your sister standing where she is as white noise is the only thing you can hear as your heart pounds quickly. Suddenly you see blood splatter the floor and Will locks eyes with you. You nod and quickly walk to your sister before grabbing her arm. She protests with Will, but you don't pay attention as you drag her away. Once in the hall she turns her focus on you.
"(Y/N) we have to go tell Charlotte!"
"No, Tessa everything is going to be alright. Will is going to take care of Jem and we will leave it as so. Charlotte is a busy woman and needn't be bothered."
"He's coughing up blood though!"
"Tessa he will be fine soon please leave it alone." You plead desperately.
"Why are you so adamant about this and how can you be so friendly with them? Do you not remember what the Dark Sisters did to us?"
"Of course I remember Tessa! You don't even know half of what went on there! I trust Charlotte, Henry, Thomas, Will, and Jem because I have a good feeling about them. I never once had a good feeling about the Dark Sisters. Just go to your room and sleep."
"You know what is wrong with Jem, but refuse to get him help?"
"I vaguely know about it Tessa and I know Will is going to care for him. Will is not going to allow him to be hurt. I cannot say anything else because I made a promise to Will. Please just go to your room." You finish tiredly.
She sighs before going to her room and you slump in relief. You lean against the wall waiting for Will to come out so you may ask about Jem. Tessa is unnerved about how easily you trust the Shadowhunters, but you feel like you are amongst family. Like you belong here and that they will never harm you. You are broken out of your thoughts when Will comes out of Jem's room and spots you. He runs a hand through his hair and you can see the exhaustion in his stance.
"I won't keep you long. Tessa has promised to not tell Charlotte about what happened after I begged her. How is he?"
"He is asleep, but fine now. I'm sorry you both had to see that."
"It's fine Will. Blood does not bother me too much. Good night Will."
"Good night (Y/N)."
You split away from one another as he goes one way and you enter your room. You hang the dressing gown on your door before crawling back in bed. Now assured that Jem is okay you fall into a light sleep once more.

Angel Wings
Fanfiction(Y/N) Gray is the younger sister of Tessa Gray and just as powerful. Only her powers are slightly different from her sister's. When she meets up with the Shadowhunters what will happen? Will she stay with Tessa or take off running? *Based on Clockwo...