Chapter 8

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You run down the corridor with Will and Charlotte hot on your heels. You throw open the door and unsheathe the katana at your waist. You cut down the automaton in front of Tessa and continue working with Charlotte and Henry to kill the automatons. When they run away you sheathe your katana and run over to Jem and Will. You support Jem as you hear Will calling for Thomas. You feel Will's raw fear pulse into you as Thomas comes running down the stairs. You slip out of the way so he can take over holding Jem. They begin to go up the stairs and you move to follow them when a hand grabs your wrist. You turn to see your sister with huge eyes and give a soft sigh.

"Tessa, they may need my help. I need to catch up to them."

She lets go of your wrist with a hurt look, but you brush it away. You bound up the stairs and race to catch up with the boys. You catch up to them and run ahead opening Jem's door. Once they get him in you go and get the basin of water with a towel. When you turn back around only Will is in the room and his back is to you. You see him set something down as you come to his side and his eyes see what is in your hands. He gives a small smile before setting them to the side. You walk out of the room and stand outside nervously twisting the ring on your finger. After a little bit Will opens the door and looks into the hall before motioning you into the room. You raise an eyebrow, but enter the room nonetheless. Will leaves and after a few minutes comes back with your sister at his side. Once she comes in Jem opens his eyes causing you to relax in relief knowing he isn't gravely injured.

"Tessa and (Y/N)," he says, "I'm so sorry."

Confused you blink as Tessa moves closer to him. You look to Will to see what's going on, but he is expressionless. Something you've never seen on Will and it's got you on edge. You already know that Jem's illness is the reason he fell unconscious earlier. Only they do not know that you found out because you have not told them.

"Yanluo," says Jem. There is hatred in his voice. "The demon had a grudge against my mother. She'd been responsible for the death of its demon offspring. They'd had a small nest in a small town called Lijiang, where they'd been feeding on local children. She burned the nest and escaped before the demon found her. Yanluo bided its time for years-Greater demons live forever-but it never forgot. When I was eleven, Yanluo found a weak spot in the ward that protected the Institute, and tunneled inside. The demon killed the guards and took my family prisoner, binding us all to chairs in the great room of the house. Then it went to work."

Your vision plays in your mind as Jem continues recounting his tale. For a while you are stuck in remembering your vision which you do not relish. Once was enough for you, but these visions are in your mind forever. You will never forget them as long as you live and that could be forever.

"You mean you don't want to."

"I mean I don't want to. For a long time I searched for a cure, but eventually I stopped, and asked Will and the rest to stop as well. I am not this drug, or its hold on me. I believe that I am better than that. That my life is about more than that, however and whenever it might end."

"Well, I don't want you to die," Tessa says. "I don't know why I feel it so strongly-I've just met you-but I don't want you to die."

"And I trust you," he says. "I don't know why-I've just met you-but I do."

"Same thing goes for me. You're like my brother to me at least."

You can see Tessa overthink and give a small smile. The two of you may have fought with one another but she's family. You'll always see her that way even if she doesn't see you like that because you've changed. Sudden movement from the corner of your eye causes you to see Will come in silently. Only now he's clean instead of being covered in oil and blood.

"Well, this is all very touching."

At those words you know he is still upset about Jem telling you this. He doesn't want anyone to treat Jem horribly because of his past. In that instant you plan to come clean about already knowing all of this.

"I see you told them."

"I did." There is nothing challenging in Jem's tone, he never looks at Will with anything but affection, no matter how provoking Will is. "It's done. There's no more for you to fret about it."

"I disagree." Says Will. He gives Tessa a pointed look and moves to give you one when you put your hands on your hips. Tessa rises from her chair and starts to leave.

Jem gives her a wistful look as you sit on the arm of the armchair. "Must you go? I was rather hoping you'd stay and be a ministering angel, but if you must go, you must."

"I'll stay," Will says a bit crossly, and throws himself down in the armchair Tessa has just vacated. "I can minister angelically."

"None too convincingly. And you're not as pretty to look at as Tessa is," Jem says, closing his eyes as he leans back against the pillow.

You barely register the banter between the two of you as you think about how to explain this. You have not explained the mechanics completely to anyone. Thomas understood that you had a vision, but not what the vision held. You see Tessa leave the room quietly to go check on Nate when Will looks to you. You take a deep breath before deciding to just tell him how you found out.

"Okay so I don't want you freaking out okay? You already know how my mind kind of functions and I went to the library a few days ago. I guessed that a demon had done something to Jem and went looking for a book on demons and their poisons. Actually, it was the day you asked me if I was training. Well, I found it and after a few hours I came across two words, Yin Fen. I got this sharp pain in my head and I was thrown into a vision like I was earlier. When it started I had no idea it was Jem until I heard his parents calling for him. I saw everything as if I was actually there myself."

"What do you mean everything?" He says haltingly.

"I mean everything Will. Like want Yanluo did to Jem and his parents dying. I saw the Enclave come in and I saw him with the Silent Brothers. I was going to say something earlier, but I wasn't sure how to approach the topic."

"You've known this for so long, but you haven't treated him differently."

"Of course, I haven't. There is no need to and it would hurt him and you. He is still the same Jem I know, but he had a secret. A secret that I understand why he kept it a secret. I already see how other Shadowhunters think about him and what's happened."

You stand up without Will responding as you quietly leave the room. You close the door behind you and see Thomas standing at your door. You smile and walk over to him as he returns your smile. You walk into your room and sit on your bed when he sits in the armchair.

"How long have you been standing at my door for?"

"Not long, but something told me your mind is active with many thoughts."

"It is, but they're all on Nate. How we found him still bothers me because it's just off. I mean if he was working for de Quincey why would he be killed? It's almost as if it was planned for him to be on the stage when we came. I just get this bad feeling off of him and it worries me. I do not want anyone here to be hurt because my brother is here."

"Don't worry yourself so much. A lot of this is probably because the Magister is still out there. Eventually he will be caught and you will be safe."

"Thank you. You always seem to know what to say to calm me and my thoughts. We need to both go to sleep now. Something tells me that tomorrow is going to be a long day."

"Good night (Y/N)."

"Good night Thomas."

You follow him to your door and before he leaves he kisses you. You kiss him back before he pulls away kissing your cheek. You watch him walk away before you close your door and change. Once changed you crawl into bed and fall into a light sleep.

*A/N: Happy 2018 my fellow Shadowhunters!*

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