The Fall Ball Part 1

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"God, you're so beautiful!", complimented Jay. He touched Luna's face lovingly as they laid together on a soft flannel blanket, in their favorite spot in the woods.
It was a beautiful Autumn afternoon, and Luna couldn't deny the pull of this time of the year. Her senses were sensitive and enlightening, and Jay marveled at the creature besides him. They had made love, and Jay was forever enamored by Luna's essential magic. "Thank you, Jay", replied Luna, staring into Jay's sparkling dark eyes, wondering what sort of mysteries were behind them.
Luna kissed Jay softly, rubbing the side of his chiseled face. Jay kissed Luna more passionately, as their time together would soon have to end. Coach had called a practice, and as captain of the team, Jay would have to be on time. "You better get going", Luna said, reluctantly. She really enjoyed being with Jay, whom turned out to be one of her more sensual lovers. Jay kissed her lips once more, then, reluctant himself, stood to get dressed. Luna eyed Jay's sexy naked body and wished he could stay.
"I wish I could stay", Jay said, pulling his shirt over his head, his gorgeous long locks glistening. Luna smiled, but there was a sadness to it. She dressed herself then sat back down on the blanket, lighting up one of her joints. Jay smiled at Luna with his heart, then kissed the top of her head. "See you later?", asked Jay, hopefully. Luna took a puff, then smiled. She exhaled her smoke, then said, "I wouldn't mind spending some time with you and Carlos", Luna said, her eyes full of mischief. Jay leaned in and gave Luna one last passionate kiss, sliding his tongue in her mouth. "Tonight", he whispered, then jogged off, his ass perfect in those sweats.

 "Tonight", he whispered, then jogged off, his ass perfect in those sweats

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Luna hit her joint again, missing Jay, but ready to go on with her day. Jacob, the hot werewolf who liked to run with her, watched from behind a tree as she smoked. He was about to reveal himself to her when a very perplexed looking Mal showed up, invading Luna's personal space.
"Was that Jay I just saw leaving from here? Oh my God! What are you, some type of slut machine?", asked Mal. Luna was tired. It was time to nip this shit in the bud. "Mal, I'm tired of fighting with you! What did I ever do to you? Why do you hate me so much? Yes, Jay was here! So what? I love him! Just like I love Carlos! And Evie! And Uma! And especially Harry!", exclaimed Luna.
"And Ben too, right?", asked Mal. "I mean, he wants to make you his lady! Do you love him too? Because he is ready to risk his kingdom over you!" Luna took another hit of her joint, then looked up at Mal. "I love them, all", she said, softly. "I can't help it! I just do!" Mal could see the hurt in Luna's eyes and it almost made her feel sorry for her.
Mal simmered down a bit, and sat down next to Luna. She had went there to fight, but seeing Luna just sitting there made her realize maybe all of this wasn't her fault, after all. Mal looked Luna over, watching her, amazed at her openly smoking marijuana. Mal smiled to herself; Luna had balls.
Luna looked at Mal, offering her a toke. Mal smiled at the gesture, then said, "Wicked ring!" Luna put her joint to Mal's lips and watched as she took a hit. Mal couldn't believe she was holding Luna's hand and smoking a joint with her. She caught Luna staring at her, then said, "Damn! This is some kickass shit! Where did you get it?" Luna smiled, laughing a little bit. "Peter brought me a whole bushel, as my birthday present", she explained.
Mal looked at her, then took another hit. "Yeah, that's dated Peter Pan! I can't believe I forgot that!", she said. Luna looked embarrassed, and Mal noticed. "What's he really like? I mean, I've heard stories, but....", she said. Luna took a hit of her joint, sucking in the smoke. "Peter was the love of my life", began Luna. "I was young; when my mother died, I ran away, back to Neverland. Peter was everything to me; my teacher, my lover..", she said. Mal listened on, picking up Luna's hand to hit the joint again. Luna noticed the careful way Mal was holding her hand.
Jacob watched the two girls, listening to Luna's tale with his keen sense of hearing. He had expected a fight when Mal had first showed up, now it seemed like they were getting cozy. Jacob smiled, admiring Luna even more. Only she could make an enemy love her.
Luna continued her tale, saying, "I was a virgin before I met Peter...sure, the boys back in London were after me, but I never gave in. Peter was different; he was so intense, so exciting! I did whatever he wanted me to do, and my grandfather, the chief of our tribe, denounced me. Said I was filthy, just like my father's family in London treated me!" Mal noticed tears welling up in Luna's eyes. "But fuck them!", Luna exclaimed, wiping away her tears, and producing another joint out of her little purse.
Mal felt sorry for Luna in that moment. Luna read her emotions and said, "Don't feel sorry for me! I know what I did! I know what I've done, to make you hate me so much!" Luna replaced the spent joint roach in her ring with the fresh one, lighting it up. "I know about you and Uma!", she told Mal. It was Mal's turn to look uncomfortable as Luna asked, "You love her?"
Mal stared off blankly, then took a deep breath. "I thought I did...I thought I loved Ben, too!", she said. Luna took another drag, then offered Mal a hit as she asked, "What about Harry?" At the mention of Harry's name, Mal seemed to remember Luna was the enemy, and it was her who Harry was crazy about now. "Oh, so you want to know about me and Harry now? We dated, long ago, when I was still on the Isle. He thought I wanted to leave him when my mother made me accept the invite to Auradon, and he's hated me ever since!", she exclaimed, then looked at Luna, asking, "Tell me, is he incredible in bed or what?"
Luna took offense to Mal's question, and replied, "Mal, I'm not the one who took him from you...Harry is a gentle soul underneath all of that pomp! When his father died, it was me who held him as he cried! It was me who kept him together! Do you know he tried to kill himself? Do you? It was the most horrible, scary thing I ever went through! And this was all before we started sleeping together! Harry was one of my best friends, and now he is one of my best lovers, and I love him, truly!"
Mal couldn't stand the thought of Harry committing suicide. "I...I didn't know", said Mal. Luna saw the tears in Mal's eyes and put the joint to her lips. Mal swiped her tears away and gave a little smile, then hit the weed. "I'm sorry, Luna! I had no idea..what you've been through! I just wanted to hate you, because of Uma, and Harry! And Ben! But, I was wrong to judge you! I...I hope you'll accept my apology!", exclaimed Mal. Luna smiled, then said, "Hey, I'm smoking you out, so apparently, I accept!"
Mal laughed, then bit her bottom lip. "Maybe we can be friends?", she asked. Luna smiled, then nodded her head. Maybe getting to know Mal wouldn't be so bad after all.

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