Face to Face

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     Carlos picked up his phone, his fingers automatically dialing Luna's, when Jane passed by. Carlos gave her a half smile, and she reciprocated, then scrambled off. Jane was doing some crossover work between Auradon and the Isle, and knew she would run into Carlos eventually. The night of the cotillion made Jane realize that Carlos wasn't over his ex, and the next day, she broke up with him, ending their brief courtship. Carlos was glad to be able to focus on winning Luna back, because he honestly didn't understand why he messed up in the first place. Luna was a great girl, misunderstood, like him. When he was with her, he had an escape from the world, and his cruel mother.
     When Luna answered her phone, Carlos's heart skipped a beat. "Hello?", asked Luna. Carlos swallowed, then said, "Hey, can we talk?" Luna smiled, then said, "Okay!". "Not over the phone, face to face!", said Carlos, something in his voice stirring Luna. "Dizzy's old shop....meet me there right now!", said Luna, hanging up. Carlos smiled, then rushed out of his room, trying not to wake his mother.
    Carlos stealthily made his way down to Dizzy's shop, pushing the door open. He went inside and looked around in amazement. Luna had decorated the old shop into an awesome flat, huge painted murals of her mother's homeland on the wall. Carlos looked at Neverland with wonder. He noticed another wall covered with different paintings. Something caught his attention, and he went for a closer look. There, painted on the wall, was a half black, half white crossbones, his symbol.

 There, painted on the wall, was a half black, half white crossbones, his symbol

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       Carlos absentmindedly touched the wall, unaware that Luna had walked in. Luna saw him touching her wall, and a sudden sadness spread over her. Carlos looked so sad...
      "Oh! Hey!", he said, turning around to face Luna. "Hey", replied Luna. Carlos thought Luna looked especially beautiful today with the way she was wearing her hair. Luna's brown eyes seemed to sparkle. "Thanks for seeing me! I really would like to tell you a few things, but...I, I just don't know how to say it!", he exclaimed.
     Luna said, "Let's sit down", then led Carlos to sit. Carlos looked as if he was about to pass out. Luna thought he looked adorable. "I'm really sorry for hurting you, Luna! I don't know what possessed me to act that way! You know, I thought going to Auradon and being  this goody goody would make me feel better, but I lost my only good part of living here, and that's you!", he exclaimed.

 "I'm really sorry for hurting you, Luna! I don't know what possessed me to act that way! You know, I thought going to Auradon and being  this goody goody would make me feel better, but I lost my only good part of living here, and that's you!", he...

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       Luna looked at Carlos, then asked, "Why are you back here, on the isle?" Carlos looked perplexed as he said, "My mother's gone sick, and as much as I detest her miserable ass, I'm her only family...and I'll take care of her, no matter what she did to me!"
     Luna felt sorry for Carlos. He looked so adorably pitiful, she couldn't help but smile at him from her heart. "That's very valiant of you, Carlos! And sweet!", she said. Luna's smile made Carlos's heart melt, and he swallowed hard, then asked, "Do you know how hard this is for me? Not being able to be with you? Not being able to touch you?"
    Luna tried to think of something to say when Carlos stood up and went to her, kneeling before her chair. "I miss you, Luna!", he said, then brought his face close to hers, kissing her tenderly. Luna closed her eyes and seemed to drown in the feel-good waves of his kiss. Carlos held the back of her head gingerly, giving her a more passionate kiss.
     Just then, Uma came in, stopping in her tracks when she saw Luna and Carlos kissing. The two quickly ended their kiss, Carlos standing with his hand to his lips. Luna stood also, her face flushed with excitement from Carlos's kiss, and embarrassment from Uma catching them.
     "Uma! Hey!", exclaimed Luna, guilty. Carlos reciprocated, saying, "Hey, Uma!", his freckled face cute with blush. Uma smiled as she looked at her friend. Carlos took his leave, saying, "I'll call you!", then walked out, smiling sheepishly at Uma.
     "Okay!", laughed Uma. "So while I'm busting suds, you was down here playing kissy face with Carlos, huh? Nice!", she said.

 "So while I'm busting suds, you was down here playing kissy face with Carlos, huh? Nice!", she said

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Luna laughed at her friend, then told her everything.

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