Knitting a Scarf

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Life was so busy at the Library and Stone often so private, that Cassandra didn't find out his birthday was in November until she'd nearly known him a year. Though she reflected, a gift from her on his last birthday probably would not have welcomed. They'd come such a very long way. Now they were firmly friends, maybe even dipping into the something more category. They'd certainly flirted and there was the maybe possible almost date that they hadn't actually gone on. Life after all, was crazy at the Library.

But she felt like a gift from her, especially for someone who'd come to mean as much as Jacob had, should be special. One night, racking her brain and not being able to sleep, she'd wandered to a crafting channel on YouTube. Knitting had appealed to her. Jacob was fond of scarves and probably would be receptive of one from her. Knitting was math after all.

So she'd watched a few videos, found a book at the local non-magical library and then gone to a cute little knitting shop to buy supplies. All of the colors had fascinated her. But she reigned herself in. Jacob was simple in his dress; a multicolored scarf probably wouldn't be his thing. Also as a beginner, maybe that would be too complicated to start with. Maybe she did take more time than was strictly necessary choosing just the right yarn in a color that she knew would bring out his eyes. And if she did, it was because she wanted him to love this gift and not because she'd spent any time thinking about his eyes or what colors would bring them out.

She found a small nook in an infrequently used part of the Library for her supplies and stole away there as often as she could, working away at the scarf. It took her some time, both because she was a beginner and because well . . . Library. But with a few days to go before Stone's birthday, his scarf was nearly finished. She'd stole down to her nook that afternoon, promising herself that this was the day she was going to finish this scarf. Even if she had to clean up a row she'd messed up the previous week when her mini clippings book had distracted her from her task.

Stone had taken up wandering the halls of the Library whenever he wasn't needed or was working on one of his other projects. The building held so many wonders that he never knew exactly what he was going to find.

This little wander hadn't really turned up anything of interest to him. Plenty of books, but not in subjects that appealed to him personally. He was thinking of turning around and heading back to the Annex and a cup of coffee when he heard a soft sound coming from around the corner. He stopped dead, listening for it. There it was again, it sounded like a snore.

Cautiously he crept around the corner and then stopped dead again, this time a soft smile creeping across his face instead of the concern of earlier. Cassandra was curled up in on a sofa in a small nook, her head tilted back and soft snores moving the one red curl that had fallen in her face. A red scarf was splayed across her body and one hand still held on to a knitting needle, the other having fallen onto her lap.

He must have made a noise because Cassandra suddenly sprung awake. She stared at him, looking confused and then what seemed to be dismay crossed her features as she looked down at the scarf.

"Oh, no," she said.

"What's wrong?" he asked, keeping his voice soft.

"You weren't supposed to see this yet! It was a surprise."

"The scarf?" Jacob asked perplexed.

She nodded.

Then realization dawned, his birthday. Of course. Cassandra liked to put a bit of her in her gift giving.

"It's a mighty nice scarf, Cassandra, one of my favorite colors too." He sat next to her on the little sofa. "I didn't know you knitted."

She blushed. "I . . . this is my first project. I fell asleep but it's actually done, well will be when I finish this row."

Jacob grinned at her and motioned at the scarf. Cassandra picked up the discarded knitting needle and counting under her breath, she started again. She concentrated on what she was doing, to avoid messing up, so she didn't see the soft fond look on Jacob's face as he watched her.

A few minutes later, she held it out to him. "There it's done. Happy early birthday."

"Thank you, darlin'," he took the scarf from her. "Wow, this is so soft."

"I know, I've enjoyed making it, it was nice to touch . . . ." She blushed.

After that they lapsed into slightly awkward silence. Finally Jacob broke it. "While this was real sweet of ya, Cassie, you didn't have to get me anything for my birthday."

"I wanted to. You . . . all of you deserve to have your special days marked."

He grinned. "I know. And I love it, I do. But what I'd really like for my birthday is . . . ." he took a deep breath and mentally crossed his fingers. "A few hours alone with you."

"A few hours alone with me . . . ." Cassandra looked a little confused.

"I'd like . . ."Jacob paused collecting his thoughts. "How about a pint?"

Cassandra laughed, now understanding. "I don't know about a pint after . . . but how about I make you dinner?"

"It's a date," he grinned and leaned across the sofa, brushing a kiss against her cheek. "I was gonna go make coffee, wanna join me?"

She nodded and let him pull her up. And when he showed up at her house on his birthday, he wore the scarf.

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