Check Yes or No

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Cassandra was curled up on an armchair in a secluded corner of the Library. She had a book on her lap and her notebook on the little table next to it. Both were open, but Cassandra was staring off into space, her thoughts decidedly not on math. No, they were mostly focused on the way Jacob Stone's jeans were fitting oh so perfectly today.

She sighed. In the years since they had been working together, she and Jacob had gotten past their rocky start to become the closest of friends. He was the best friend she'd ever had in her life. They were inseparable but for some reason, the last six months she'd been longing for something more.

If she was honest, it all stemmed from an incident with a very angry water sprite that had left Stone fighting for his life in the hospital. There were times that his prognosis seemed very grim indeed and Cassandra had caught Baird sobbing in the chapel more than once. If Stone was Cassandra's best friend, he was as close as a blood brother to Baird. As for Cassandra, she'd discovered the unsettling feeling that losing Stone would mean losing a bit of herself. She would mourn for any of her new family if they were killed, certainly she knew that from experience. But Stone? Part of her would be buried with him.

She didn't know what that meant exactly. She'd been infatuated plenty of times in her life, had had relationships even though they were casual, but given that she'd spent the majority of her adult life thinking she was going to die young . . .well she'd never let herself fall in love.

But she realized she'd had with Jacob, mostly without even realizing it. But throughout his slow recovery from his injuries, she'd never said a word to him. She didn't know how. Or even how he felt.

Until for some reason, she was thinking back to a carnival on a case years ago and a lesson about body language from Baird.

She'd been talking with Jacob just an hour before and to her surprise he exhibited all of the body language that Baird had described. He had feelings for her too! But why hadn't he acted? Did he want her to make the first move? She was sure Stone at least knew what being in love was, so it couldn't be uncertainty. Unless he was uncertain about her feelings. Or like her, scared to mess up what they had.

Neither could use "dying and I panicked" as an excuse right now if things blew up.

She thought about Baird and what she had said and then she remembered a joke (or maybe it was true, you never knew with Flynn), that Baird had said about how Flynn had told her his feelings. It was worth a shot.

She scribbled a note in her notebook, ripped out the page and went looking for Stone. She couldn't find him but she did find his jacket on the coat rack. She shrugged and slipped the note in his pocket. Then not wanting to really stick around, she decided to go get dinner.

When she returned a couple of hours later, she found the old Annex deserted but when she sat down at her desk, she found a note sticking out of her book. She wiped her suddenly sweaty palms and unfolded the silly note.

Do you like me? Check yes or no.

Yes was circled in red and she looked up with a grin to meet Jacob's own smile as he'd suddenly appeared in front of her.

"How about a pint?" he asked her.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Jassandra One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now