I Wanted to Tell You

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The first time Stone tried to tell Cassandra he loved her, he planned a grand romantic gesture. Having the Back Door certainly lead to much more creative dates than most people had access to. He took her to Paris, they'd had a fantastic meal at a charming bistro and now were walking hand in hand in the moonlight.

Jacob brought her to a stop, pulling her toward him and cupping her cheek. "Cassandra . . .I . . . lo . . . ." Why was he suddenly having trouble saying the words? She was gazing at him lovingly waiting for him to continue but before he could try again, a scream pierced the night. This was followed by shouts and then a whoosh over head.

"Is that . . .is that a gargoyle?" Cassandra asked as Jacob sighed. So much for this attempt.

The second time he tried to tell her he loved her was in the afterglow of love making. She was laying in his arms, her head on his chest. He rubbed his hand down her arm, pulling her closer.

"Cassandra, I lo-" but suddenly he stopped due to the noise that came from Cassandra. Was that a snore? He checked and sure enough, she was fast asleep. He sighed. "Well that figures."

The third time Jacob tried to tell Cassandra he loved her was during a dangerous mission. Cassandra had to risk her life, much like she had when she'd walked into a rift between worlds. They'd been granted two minutes alone before all hell was due to break loose.

They'd kissed, a hint of desperation in those kisses, holding each other tight. Then he pulled back to look at her face.

"Cassie . . . I lo-. . .just be careful okay? Good luck."

A brief wave of disappointment crossed her face and he was kicking himself. But he couldn't let her get distracted with a declaration now.

The fourth time, they were all alone in the Library. The others were elsewhere either on missions or their own projects. Cassandra had been working in her lab and he had been researching. But they were taking a break from their work. A break that involved kissing.

"Cassandra," he said, breaking off the kiss.

"What?" her voice sounded distracted and she was trying to follow his lips.

"I wanted to tell ya that I . . .that I . . .damnit all to hell." He turned and rushed from the lab, Cassandra hot on his heels.

She finally caught up with him punching a wall.

"Jacob, what is up with you?"

He looked over at her, upset with himself. "I wanted to say 'I love you' for the first time without stuttering, but that failed."

Cassandra stopped dead, a bubble of joy and mirth overcoming her. "Jacob, you just did!"

"I did?" he suddenly started laughing. "I did! I love you, Cassandra. There, see?"

She giggled, throwing her arms around his neck. "You've been trying to say this for weeks haven't you?"

He looked sheepish. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you silly man. I love you too." Then she kissed him.

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