And The Thanksgiving Feast

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Author's Note: This is really more of a team friendship fic. It's set in season 2, just after "And the Hollow Men"

Cassandra was carrying a stack of books to be re-shelved as part of the massive Library cleanup. The rooms were mostly back in order, but a lot of the items in the said rooms weren't. So in between clippings book cases, the Librarians, Jenkins and Baird had cleanup detail.

Cassandra could hear Stone's voice as she rounded a corner. He'd had his own stack of books the last time she'd seen him.

"It's not like I don't . . . .Daisy, c'mon. You really don't wanna see me and Pop go round two do you? Right, yeah, it's just better this way. Maybe Christmas, okay?" Cassandra could hear a chuckle. "Of course. Yep. I will. Love you too. Bye."

She saw him just as he was putting his phone back.

"Your sister?" she asked.

"Yeah, Daisy, the middle one. She was inviting me to Thanksgiving and I turned her down."

Cassandra set the books on a nearby table so she could shelve them easier. "You went last year, I'm sure we could spare you again."

Stone sighed. "Nah. Last year Pop didn't go to Daisy's. This year . . . ."

"Oh," and Cassandra nodded in understanding. "Well Ezekiel was talking about having a movie marathon. Probably pizza."

Stone laughed. "That boy is 90% pizza. Doesn't really sound that festive though. But they don't have Thanksgiving in Australia."

"No, and I think he was just trying to help. Baird's really . . . ."

Stone nodded. "Yeah, I know. And you and I and our family situations . . . ."

"Yeah," Cassandra sighed. "He must really think we're pathetic."

"Nah," Stone said, moving closer to her. "It's Jones. But don't you dare tell him I appreciate him at least tryin'."

That got a laugh from Cassandra. "I won't."

"Here, hand me a couple of them books, I finished my stack."

They worked in silence for a few minutes, each lost in thought. Then as the stack was finished, they both turned to each other.

"Cassandra, can you . . ."

"Jacob, can you . . . ."

They both laughed and Stone gestured to her. "Ladies first."

"Can you cook? Because I was thinking . . . ."

"Exactly what I was thinking!" Stone exclaimed. "I mean I can't do anything fancy, but Thanksgiving is all about simple stuff right?"

"Yes. And I can certainly make mashed potatoes and roasting a turkey can't be too hard, can it?"

Stone shrugged and gestured toward the Annex area, Cassandra got the hint and started walking with him. "Well, I've roasted a chicken before, so a turkey can't be that much different, just takes longer."

Cassandra nodded. "We can look it up online, I heard they have turkey hotlines."

"And Mama just used the recipe on the back of the bag of cranberries, so that should be easy enough. And we'll just buy a pie and rolls."

"And vegetables are easy," Cassandra said clapping her hands in delight.

"Of course, I don't know anything about stuffing."

Cassandra frowned. "Well they sell that stuff in a box . . . ."

"What's this about stuffing?" Baird asked coming into the room.

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