May I Have This Dance?

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"Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?" Cassandra asked Stone. It was a quiet afternoon, all clippings books were silent so they were working on their various projects.

Stone grinned but before he could answer, Jones strolled across the room, "would love to! What time?"

Cassandra quickly hid her frown, saying brightly. "7?"

"Sounds great!" Ezekiel breezed out again.

Cassandra turned to Stone, "Jacob?"

"Of course, I'll come."

She beamed at him and the momentary crashing by Jones was forgotten. But as the afternoon went on, he remembered how she'd faltered when Jones invited himself along. She had been just inviting him after all . . . .

About an hour before Cassandra had planned on leaving to get dinner ready, after both she and Stone had wandered in and out of the room a few times, Jones came back heading toward the Back Door.

"Oh," he threw a wink over at Stone before turning to Cassandra, "so sorry Cassandra, but my clippings book went off. I'll take a rain check on dinner."

"Oh," she said. "Do you need help?"

"Nah, I got this cornered but next time, okay. Have a good time." A tap on his phone and he was out the door.

"Well," she said softly with a flirtatious look at Stone. "Guess it's just you and me then."

He winked at her, "guess so. Want me to bring anything?"

"Just yourself. I'm gonna get going, I'll see you in a while."

Dinner had been fantastic. Cassandra was a really good cook and she was even better at baking. They'd been talking and laughing at the table in the corner of her kitchen, her iPod on shuffle providing background music. They were just finishing up dessert, flourless chocolate cakes, when a song came up and Cassandra lifted her head up.

"Oh, I love this song. My grandpa used to dance me around the kitchen to it when I was little." Her voice was wistful. Jacob pushed his chair back and walked over to the iPod. Cassandra looked at him a little perplexed as he hit replay on the song.

Then he held out his hand, "may I have this dance?"

Cassandra giggled and took his hand. "You may."

Though he may have meant to twirl her around the kitchen like he imagined she'd done as a little girl, she instead locked her arms around his neck. His hands went around her waist and they mostly swayed together, taking small steps around the kitchen.

That song faded into another and he didn't let her go.

"What are we doing?" she asked softly.

"Dancin', well kinda. I'm actually thinkin' . . ."

"Thinking about what?"

Stone grinned and leaned across and she smiled as his lips touched hers in a sweet chocolate flavored kiss. When it ended, he stayed close. "Yeah, kissin' is better than dancin'."

"We can do both," she said, pulling him in for another kiss.

Another song and this time he did twirl her around the kitchen as the beat had increased. They were both laughing when the song ended.

"I did something kinda bad to get you alone."

"Really?" Jacob asked, raising an eyebrow even as he pulled her back into him.

She nodded, locking her arms back around his neck. "I might have bribed Ezekiel with two dozen cookies to not come."

Jacob started laughing. "No way! No wonder he was so easy! I only had to offer to buy him the next pizza. I was willin' to give him a 100 bucks."

Cassandra chuckled. "He's gone soft."

Jacob kissed her on the nose. "You realize he probably wasn't gonna come anyway."

"Probably not, but this is worth some cookies."

"And a pizza. So what do you say to another dance?"

"I say you're reading my mind."

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