Corn Maze

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Cassandra had a solo mission to save a small town in Wisconsin's fall festival from being overrun by enchanted rodents. It was actually a fairly simple mission that involved retrieving a magical pipe from a six year old who'd taken it from his grandmother's attic (she in turn having gotten it years before and had no idea of its usage) and a decidedly not magical cat named Casper. Casper was, however, exceptionally good at catching mice and was hailed as a hero by the townsfolk. Cassandra couldn't help getting involved in the cleanup involved in getting the festival back on track. The next thing she knew, she'd been charged with recreating the corn maze. The original blueprint had somehow gotten lost and the usual designer had been called out of town. So they were clearly in a pickle.

Stone wasn't sure how exactly he'd been roped into this. He wasn't even involved in the mission. But there was something about his inability to resist Cassandra when she turned on the charm and the puppy dog eyes. Besides he at least had been to similar fairs with corn mazes whereas she had never been.

Work on the ground had gotten frustrating as they argued over the design so they found themselves in the Annex with a sheet of drawing paper intended to draw out the design.

"Cassandra, I keep telling ya, you're makin' it too hard!"

"Well, everything you keep saying is way too easy. I could find my way out of that in my sleep."

Jacob sighed. "You just don't get it."

"What don't I get?"

"Not everyone has a brain like ya, darlin'. This corn maze in particular needs to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Like . . ."And Stone pointed at Jones who had just wandered into the room. "Like Jones over there!"

"Hey!" Jones said insulted though he hadn't heard all of Stone's words so he was unclear why he should be insulted.

"Oh," Cassandra looked over at Jones. "Ezekiel is you were designing a corn maze, what shape would it be?"

"What's a corn maze?" Jones looked perplexed.

Stone rolled his eyes but then figured they probably didn't have such things in Australia.

"Nevermind Jones. Um, if you were designing a hedge maze what would you draw it as."

"Well it's corn, why don't you make it corn shaped?"

Stone groaned. "See? Also not helping."

"Hmm, corn . . . " Cassandra mused. "Oh wait! How about . . . ." she started giggling. "A cat and a mouse!"

Stone laughed. "Perfect."

The festival turned out to be a great success thanks in large part to Cassandra (who was largely unsung as she liked it) and Casper who went from barn cat to everyone in town's pet over night. And Stone, who wasn't sure how he got roped into this in the first place, was sitting on a wall with Cassandra watching everyone enjoying their corn maze. And when she offered him a bite of her funnel cake, the look in her eyes was exactly why he was there.

The End

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