Riff off Rhino

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"Ok, so just to check one last time," chloe noted as she spoke to her phone. "Ur absolutely sure you wanna do this?" she asked excitingly but with a little caution. "Ok, we'll be ready" she smiled after a minute. She hung up the phone and began to text someone.

"Hey bree" Stacie greeted the blonde as she joined her in the chair next to her in the rehearsal hall. "Where were you at the car show last night"

"Ugh something new I'm doing so you may not see much of me for the next week or so" she regrettably noted.. "But I'll be here for support when I can" she smiled.

"Ok, You doing alright today?" the brunette smiled.

"Just great" she replied grabbing the girl's forearm.

"So red" Cynthia Rose broke out from behind the two. "Is it really going down?" she asked with eyebrows raised and a slight smirk.

"Yep" she smiled moving closer to the group in the seats. "and she's on her way now" she excitedly noted.

Tho it hasn't been long at all since young Emily joined the group, beca had decided she was cool and trustworthy enough to tell her what the others already knew. The young freshman entered the rehearsal hall, eager to get started with the day and the maniacs all stood in ready for what was about to happen.

"Hey chloe" she called as she entered. "You said something important was happening today?" she asked and furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed how everyone was.

"Yes um..."she happily responded. "Something we need to tell you, here have a seat" she quickly pulled a chair out for the young girl, who cautiously took a seat. "Whew ok here's the deal" the ginger tried to remain calm. "For the past year, me and the rest of these ladies have kept a very important secret, something the rest of the world would kill to know"

Emily wasn't sure how to respond, was this a joke or something crazy? "Uh...ok?" she replied strangely.

"I know this all sounds a little strange, but don't worry it's nothing...well, too extreme...I guess" she didn't know how to play this out. "But anyway, we want to share that with you, since ur one of us now, we just need to know if we can trust you" she stated.

"Oh Yea sure you can definitely trust me" she quickly stood.

"Ok but this is a really big deal so we need-"

"Chloe I swear on my mother and my vocal cords I won't say a thing" she quickly promised. "Where's beca?" she asked after quickly looking around.

"Funny you should ask" she smiled and then everyone turned to the ceiling.

Emily was at first confused and then gasped in surprise when she saw what they were looking at, The red and blue suited vigilante who was slowly lowering down by her web. It was just a minute before she landed and emily slowly made her way towards the hero. Everyone watched with smiles on their faces, knowing exactly what was going through her head.

"O.M. aca-G! Ur spider-woman!" the freshman gasped.

"And that's not all" beca followed, right before removing her mask, revealing her true self. "Surprise" she smiled as her young friend stared speechless.

"Beca?! How?!" she breathed.


"And that was it?" emily asked, still a little shocked.

"Yep, one little spider bite and that was it" she shrugged, now in a work out uniform.

"That's so crazy" she scoffed.

"So, what do you think?" beca asked.

"Well, you did save me after all" she shrugged. "I guess the least I can do is protect ur identity" she smiled.

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