Spidey's Last Stand

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A/N: Hey readers, thankyou for sticking with the story and I just wanna let y'all know that after this there will be one more chapter and than an epilogue and that'll be the end of this. I hope you all enjoyed this story and especially enjoy the climax. So now, without further ado, let's do it, Spidey's last battle against Carnage.

The Cleftomaniacs tried to get beca to tell them what happened but she just sped right past them and headed upstairs to throw on her new spidey suit. She was enraged by Carnage and terrified beyond belief for Chloe. She had a hard time getting the suit on and was getting agitated, she needed to compose herself for a minute. She took a deep breath to try and calm herself down before heading out.

She couldn't deny she was scared, her whole future was now in the hands of a psychotic killer, one who out-matched her in too many ways to count and had not only beaten, but practically owned her in their last encounter. No, she couldn't think like this, Chloe, her future wife and soulmate, was counting on her. 'Just remember everything Tony said in the letter' she thought to herself. 'Believe in urself, there is no such thing as stronger, only better. You can do this, you know what ur fighting for and ur better than before' she continued to mentally encourage herself as she zipped up the suit. Before she put the mask on, she took one last look in the closet mirror, as if to show herself she was ready, she could beat this guy.

"If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine" she repeated the words written by her pal and mentor. She was struck down, but now she was back up and more powerful than ever before. Carnage was not only gonna get the absolute best of spider-woman, he was gonna face a side of her that no-one had ever faced before.


"Hey suit lady?" beca asked as she swung along the city.

Yes beca

"I feel kinda bad just calling you suit lady" she admitted. "I think we should pick out a name for, like.....aubrey, No! No! Not aubrey um...maybe Karen" she suggested.

You can call me Karen

"I like Karen it fits" beca agreed. "Ok listen karen, once we find carnage and chloe, I may wanna use one of the special web combos but then go right back to the regular ones, understand?" she instructed.

When your done using a combo you want me to automatically switch back to the regular shooters?

"Yes that's correct" she concured.

Copy that, I know have the assailant known as Carnage locked on and laying down an objective marker to reveal his location

As she swung, a tiny red arrow popped up in the eyes of her mask to point her in the direction of her rival, it wasn't far either. "Thanx Karen, now let's kick his ass and save chloe" she eagerly and bitterly ordered.

Yes ma'am


Carnage held Chloe captive inside the tower of a large skyscraper, the room was large enough for about 50 people. He kept her in his grasp as she struggled to break free. "Just what exactly do you hope to accomplish from this?!" chloe inquired.

"Simple, to either expose the true nature of the spider, or rid myself of a mortal enemy" he growled back.

"Ha, Goodluck, she's way stronger than u'll ever know, and many have tried, and even come very close, but failed miserably" she aggressively notified. "But if you really wanna find out what she's capable of when backed into a corner, ur about to real soon" she warned, not showing any fear but full confidence in her hero.

Carnage brought her closer to where their eyes were centimeters apart. "I'm.....counting on it!" he roared.

Right after he said that, the vigilante herself came crashing through a hatch in the ceiling. "Well ask and you shall receive....mother fucker" she snarked, her blood boiling at the sight of chloe in his grasp.

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