Back to Basics, Back to hell

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Today was the day where the Cleftomaniacs set off to "find their voice" as Chloe put it. All they knew for now was that they were gonna be spending the weekend at a place outside of Manhattan. Beca didn't seem too thrilled about the whole ordeal but Emily seemed to be the most worried. She was beginning to question herself for her talent and as a member of the acappella group, her mother of course gave her some encouragement the other day and she hoped this camp would be of some help. She was rolling her bag by the Trebles bus when she was greeted by Benji, who was painting the side of the bus. They barely had a minute to chat as the freshman had to catch her own bus, but that small time with the magician seemed to spark some confidence and positivity in her.

"Goodluck benji!" she called as the bus drove by the treble, receiving a shy wave in return.

"Well I can see ur about ready to pounce on him, aren't ya" Beca remarked from the seat behind the legacy, giving her a wink once she turned.

She briefly giggled. "Yea I may hafta take a chance with this one" she sighed.

"Trust me, it'll be well worth the risk" the brunette added. "Oh and listen," she whispered as she rose from her seat and took the one next to the young girl. "Sorry for kinda...brushing you off yesterday, especially over something important you wanted to discuss" she apologized with guilt.

"Oh no it's fine, you had somewhere you needed to be and that's cool" she quickly reassured. "Just thought I'd bring up..."she took a quick glance back to make sure the others, especially chloe, couldn't hear. " know" she nodded.

"Yea and speaking of which," she whispered back, also taking a glance back to check for eavesdroppers, particularly the redhead in the back. "Her birthday is actually coming up real soon" she hinted.

"Oh that would be so great" she quietly gasped with a bright smile.

"So, how bout when we get back, we start putting the song together and see who else would like to join in" she recommended with her signature smirk.

"Oh I can't wait" she whispered with excitement, jutting her legs frantically.

Beca giggled at the adorable enthusiasm of the freshman. "Yea I can't wait either" she sighed, returning to her state of not wanting to do this stupid....whatever it was.

They arrived at a campsite just outside of New York. It was a huge building that was in between the country and the city parts of the state.

Once everyone entered they were astonished, well......everyone except a particular brunette. "It's nice isn't it" chloe delighted.

"Yea if you can find someone to charge my laptop" the brunette snarked as she rushed to catch up with the taller woman. "How'd you hear about this place?" she asked tryna catch her breath.

"From yours truly" they turned to face a familiar blonde smile. "Hello maniacs" Aubrey greeted, setting the shotgun she had aside to accept the long awaited hugs from her former teammates. They had a happy reunion after being away for so long.

"So this is what you've been doing" Stacie pointed out after pulling her in for a hug.

"Yep, this is the mystery" she nodded. "Welcome to the Lodge of Fallen leaves where fortune 500 companies and their employees build teamwork skills" she happily stated.

"You run this whole place?" beca asked in shock.

"You know I realized that I had a knack for barking orders and bending people who will so I made a career out of it" she stated and everyone laughed. "Which reminds me, FALL IN LINE MANIACS!" she demanded with that all too familiar tone of hers.

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