What is this suit?

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A/N: hey readers! I hope ur all enjoying this so far, I'm sorry the last couple of chapters have been drastically long and I'll try to make this shorter and if not than I'm sorry. But anyway I hope ur still enjoying this bc this one is gonna have a bit of a twist, hope u enjoy.

The maniacs have finally returned home from the convention show, which needless to say did not go as planned. They thought they could beat the DSM by using their own tactics against them but better, it ended up being more of a circus act than an acappella performance. If chloe wasn't horribly frustrated already, she was now. This loss being a major letdown and leaving the girls not knowing where to turn now. They would hafta think a little outside the box before tryna out-best da sound machine again. For now, they just needed to relax and try not to think about today.

Beca tried to be as much comfort as she could for the ginger by letting her lean on her shoulder and hold her hand through the drive back, but somehow that didn't seem to be enough for the redhead. Chloe seemed lost in her thoughts, they needed to succeed if they were going to get back on the map, but it seemed as it was all slipping further and further away.

Chloe had kindly asked beca to grab some bags outta the back seat of her car to which the brunette didn't hesitate to avail. During which, beca realized she didn't check a couple of the bags when she thought something got into the car during her and chloe's get together. She didn't feel like checking them now tho and really didn't see the point of it either. Instead, she just took them to her room and decided if she wanted to she could check them the next morning. For now, she needed to be with chloe.

They were all down stairs watching t.v. with a little bit of alcohol engulfed in their systems. Chloe sat on the lap of her girlfriend in the rocking chair, letting the brunette gently push and pull the two in a slow, smooth, back and forth motion. The dj keeping her arms gently wrapped around the ginger's waist, even rubbing her belly a little here and there and placing affectionate kisses on her neck and cheek as they continued the motion. The tension in chloe's body began to ease as she felt the brunette's breath tickle her skin, as well as everything else that was happening. Beca once again started kissing the ginger's skin, before long she turned to open-mouth kisses, just wanting to make her girlfriend forget about the day and relax. For a moment, chloe was enjoying what her girlfriend was doing for her, but....something was just....keeping her from fully enjoying it, it didn't seem like the right time.

"I'm really tired," she whispered, looking over her shoulder. "I...think I'm just gonna crash"

Beca was a little taken aback that she didn't want her affections and disappointed that it wasn't enough, but figured she shouldn't push it. "Alright, love you" she sighed.

"Love you too" she whispered back with a kiss before easily slipping off the brunette's lap and heading upstairs.

Beca didn't need to face her friends to feel their eyes on her, all knowing she was even less of a happy camper at this point. The issues with rhino and now all of this, not a good satisfying place to be. After a minute, she lifted her gaze when she heard fat Amy's footsteps next to her. "Come on webhead, tomorrow's a new day" she weakly smirked with a pat on the shoulder.

Beca weakly smiled at her friend before standing to follow her to their room. They shared their goodnights and practically smacked the mattresses with their bodies as they fell with tiresome pulling their minds into a deep sleep. Beca briefly opened her's again to peak at the bags she brought up, thinking she heard something move but saw nothing. She decided it was just her sleepy brain and drifted back.

As she slept, the only thoughts that would run through her subconscious were her fears from losing chloe, one way or another, as well as rhino. Her anger over not being able to help chloe with everything she was facing or stop the menace that almost killed her at the riff off, her anger over Oscorp and Jesse. Everything pouring into her all at once, the nightmare causing the brunette's adrenaline and heart rate to rise at such a speed, her eyes eventually bursted open.

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