Fõrever part II

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When me and jas walked into the classroom she put her hand on my shoulder

"it'll be fine" then she gave me a wink "thanks" I smiled back and I took my seat in the table that was next to jasmins and her brother. During class I couldn't help notice that jas and her brother were talking about me, I noticed it because  I heard them whisper my name about two Times and then I saw jas's brother smiling at me although I did smile back.This day was going so freaking slow  and mostly this second period class. I started day dreaming about what I would do if I were a vampire, i know it sounds dumb but you know I was bored. When the bell rang I stepped over to jas and before I even opened my mouth to say something to jas her brother stood right up and said "hi".I couldn't stop looking at his eyes they were greenish golden I completely froze and after a minute I realized jas eyes were that color to but I reacted right away and said "uh hi" then I pulled jas's arm and we left. she just kept staring at me and smiling "uhh may I help you?" I said blushing jas started making a weird funny face then she said "he thinks you're beautiful" I looked up at her and I said "who?"

"ugh do I need to spell it out for you Bella? my brother"

"oh um well I think he's cute"

jas stretched a smile on her face "oooohhhh so what would you do if  he asked you out?"

now my face was serious "I would say no" jas frowned "what?! w-why? you guys would make a cute couple"

"im sure we would jas but im not into dating right now I've got hurt once and I don't want it to happen again"

"ugghh finee" she growled "but  you'll change your mind"

"yeah sure now lets go to science before we're late" I said as the bell rang.

  During science class there were these rats in a little cage and I think one of the rats moan and everyone started to laugh while everyone was laughing I looked at jas's brother, Cameron and I saw him smile. After the laughter ms.ginger said we are starting on our science fair projects "everyone's allowed to pick who they want as a partner just remember to make good choices children" screamed out ms.ginger jas raised her hand "yes jasmine asked the teacher"

"ms.ginger I would like to pick bella as my partner if thats okay with you and her" jas glanced over to me with a crocked smile

ms.ginger adjusted her glasses "well thats perfectly fine with me jasmine you're a very smart girl and im sure bella is too so if its fine with her you'll be partners what do you say bella?" I smiled "I'd love to be jasmins partner ms.ginger"

"good its settled then you'll both be partners.Now now everyone else pick your partners and starting tomorrow you'll be sitting with your partners"

    After class me and jas had study hall  while I was walking to my locker jas poked me and I jumped and we laughed loudly at the same time "this is my locker I said wheres yours?" I asked.

"its right here she said and my brothers is on your left yay which means we are neighbors" I looked at her with my eyes wide open "so your locker is on my right and your brothers is on my left?"

"yup" she said cooly.

As I put my stuff away I saw jas' s brother walk up to his locker with some other guy the other guy also had golden greenish eyes his and blonde hair.

"hi you're Bella right?" Cameron asked "that's me I said smiling"

"im Cameron and this is my friend mateo"I shook Mateo's hand first and smiled "hi im Bella crystalin Rodriguez dawson nice to meet you"

"nice to meet you to  bella" then I shook camerons hand his hand was really cold and he gave me a crocked smile to be honest that was the most hottest smile ive ever seen I looked at jas and she seemed pale "I-I think im gonna be sick" her voice cracked "oh crap! I said here let me take you to the bathroom" and I dropped my books. we ran to the bathroom and jas washed her face. " you okay?" I asked "yeah she said it was just matt" I looked at her for about one whole minute "wait a sec you like mateo ahhh oh my god thats so adorable"

"shhhhhhh  say it louder would ya. ive liked him since elementary school but I don't want to tell him" she said  as she frowned I was actually trying to imagine mateo and jas as a couple and they actually looked adorable. "sorry jas hah but you talk to him right"

"yeah but I get nervous and im sure cam and matt are doing the project together!"

"awww somones in looovve" I  said in a singing voice

jas blushed "damn you sing beautiful and lets go to class before we're late".

      As we walked to class I stopped walking "oohh shit" I whispered "what happend" asked jas still looking pale.

"when I ran with you to the bathroom I dropped my books"

"don't worry we'll ask the teachers for more they wont care". I frowned " ok lets go". When me and jas walked Into class Cameron stood up and had a three book's in his hand and jogged over to me.

"hey Bella you dropped your books when you took my sister to the bathroom" I looked straight into his golden greenish eyes "oh um thanks alot you're my hero now I don't have to walk to  the prinicpals office".

"oh trust me you don't want to go there the principals a dog" his deep voice sounded so soft and beautiful and we both laughed at the same time.

"thanks for taking care of my sister and do you girls want to sit with us?"he asked.

"you're welcome and sure me and jas would love to sit with you guys" I glanced over at jas and she walked ahead I saw mateo pull out a chair for her and smile at her. Cameron pulled a chair for me next to jas and I sat. The rest of study hall was actually  quiet and calm I noticed jas and matt wouldn't stop looking at eachother  and smiling when I was going to reach for a piece of paper Cameron reached for one too at the same time and I accidentally touched his hand I I threw my hand back with all my strength because his hand was ice cold so cold that I thought my hand froze.

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