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I felt so relieved that today was saturday. I spent the whole day watching t.v and doing nothing I was all alone because dad and Marissa were on a road trip to Minnesota for a whole week so I was going to be all alone. I heard the doorbell ring and it was Nash I opened the door wide and motioned him to come in then I followed him closing the door behind me. I sat beside him on the couch and he put his arm around me and gave me a kiss. I really didn't feel comftorable having him kissing me but I had to I gave him a chance to see if I could forget about him. "so wheres your dad and Marissa? 

"in a road trip to minnesota so im all alone for a week" I said raising my eyebrows and giving a tilted fake smile "Oh hey Bella you know today he has one year dead right?" he frowned and asked at the same time I turned away "yes i know" "hey you hungry?" I asked changing the subject he took a deep annoyed breath and nodded and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. As I watched t.v I heard a truck  outside so then I muted the tv and looked through the window I saw a truck that said "Bobbies moving company you wanna move? give us a call." and there was a car that ive seen before parked there . Then I saw someone I never thought id see again it was jas and matt I smiled and my heart starting beating fast and I started breathing heavily then I looked again and I saw something .. something scary I had seen his ghost I ran to the kitchen and hugged nash by the waiste and cried he pet my head "woah whats wrong bella?" I was sobbing you could hardly hear what I was saying "I looked outside and I saw jas and matt moving into that new houe and then I-I saw his ghost outside in that house infront of mines he was looking over here" he looked down at me and pulled me away and ran to the window he looked outside and turned pale "Bella its time for you to know the truth" he said shaky "what truth?"

"Cameron isn't dead he's a-alive it was all just a lie to protect you" I stood up with my jaw open  "What the hell did you say?"

"Bella cam didn't die when you guys got hit by that truck when you guys got hit he pushed you off so you wouldn't get hurt then   he got hurt so bad he was in coma  then matt saved him and then he told me and your dad that he wanted to keep you safe and that he needed to leave because he is a v-" "dad? dad knew about this? WHAT YOU GUYS LIED TO ME" I started to yell "Bella all he wanted was to just-" "I DON'T CARE WHAT HE WANTED OR WHY HE LEFT WHY DID HE ACT DEAD? I was yelling and crying nash raised his voice "BELLA LISTIN" "NO I Don't WANT TO LI-"

"BELLA ALL YOU FUCKING CARE ABOUT IS CAMEROM OKAY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE Just HIM HIM AND HIM" he was screaming at the top of his lungs "THATS NOT TURE I CSRE ABOUT YOU" "AS A FRIEND RIGHT BELLA? WELL That's NOT GOOD ENOUGH" he punched the wall leaving a dent I really didn't care about the dent because when you have levitation powers you can fix, break, freeze, burn, and glue evrything you are even strong and fast and you can levitate your self the only thing you can't do Is invisibility. "GET OUT I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN NASH ITS OVER" he laughed sarcastically in a mean way though "OH YOU WON'T SEE ME AGAIN BELLA EVEN OUR FRIENDSHIP IS OVER" he slammed the door and. I fell on the couch to cry I fixed the dent in five seconds and spent the whol afternoon crying. "MAYBE HES NOT MAD ANYMORE" I thought to myself but I knew he was. I dialed Nash's number but he sent me straight ro voicemail then I dialed dads.

"Hello? "

"Dad I can't believe you lied to me saying cam was dead we are going to have a talk when you come back mr." I screamed

"oh sorry bells I jist had to because-ugh ill explain at home its complicated I love you glad everythings fine and you okay love you bye" "ok"I said madly my life was a disaster first I think hes dead but he's not then I lose my bestfriends and on top my look is making look like americas next top model which is annoying. I put on a black long sleeve sweater some black tight jeans a white leather jacket  and some black boots that were up to my knees with no heels I got in my car let my hair out and put the car on stick shift mode everyone could here the VROOOM! of my engine I also looked myself in the mirror put some eyeliner some blush and some lipstick on for the first time I actually looked great I turned the music as high as it could go.From the corner of my eye I noticed someone looked from the house that was in the front of mines I didn't notice who it was but I just drifted on driving. When I git to the forest I climbed up a tree and sat on it I wanted to cry but I didn't because then I'd look creepy with my makeup messed up so I held in the tears and I just looked up and thought about everything and everyone and about how much my life sucked.  I spotted an apple took it and ate it for some reason i felt like someone was watching me after a while I levitated my self from the tree on to the floor and started to walk to get to my car as I walked I heard someone else walk to when I stopped the foptsteps would stop so I ignored it and kept walking when I stopped to pick up a ring  I saw I heard footsteps but I ignored them again the ring was gold and beautiful and it had my name carved on it it was so weird I freaked out but I put it on and it fit perfectly. I started to walk looking st the ring and heard someone say something  behind me.

"Excuse me have you seen a girl named bella dawson here?in kinda looking for her" this voice was familiar but deeper and nicer it was his voice. I stopped walking and I hesitaded I turned around slowly "yes im bella" I said looking freaked out "Bella? what happend" you look different" he said with his jaw open and smiling as he took a step forward I took one backwards "Who are you?" I asked acting like I didn't know him he frowned "BELLA its me cameron baby im sorry-"

"look first I don't know you second don't call me baby and third sorry for what? I asked acting like he was a complete stranger but feeling broken in the inside.

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