Two Can Play That Game (Luke)..or..(Calum)?

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The look in his eyes was not the look she had become so accustom to. It was distant, cold even. She watched from her seat at their table as he flirted with two beautiful girls at the bar. It made her feel insecure, not about herself but about their relationship.

To be quiet honest, if he was over it then so was she. Ending things would be hard yes, because she did still want him, but this limbo he was keeping her in could possibly be worse.

It was a constant give and take with him. There were days where she was most definitely his, where he would have his hands all over her and make it known to all that she belonged to him. But then there were days like this, most of the days were like this, where it felt as if he was annoyed by her presence, that she was around as a clingy tag along not the girl he claimed to love.

She was tired of it. She was over being strung along. She would have left a long time ago if it wasn't for the rest of the guys. She would never talk to them about Luke and the way he was making her feel, but they noticed and would sometimes make comments in passing that let her know they saw the way he was being a dick. They were all in favor of her sticking it out, giving the bumps in their relationship a chance to work themselves out.

They were sure he loved her still, but she wasn't so positive anymore, you don't treat people you love like this. And truth be told, did she even still love him anymore? The only thing she was sure of was that things were not the same.

His new attitude towards her was very unnecessary and even more so unappreciated. He treated her like he knew she wasn't going anywhere, like he could do whatever he wanted and she would stay by his side, waiting for him to come around like a doe eyed lost puppy.

He was wrong though, she was at her breaking point. Here she sat watching him as he blatantly put the moves on not one, but two girls at the bar not more then 20 feet away from her in plain sight.

The felling that was inside of her was unfamiliar. She wasn't sad or vulnerable. She was fucking pissed. He kept looking over his shoulder back at her, as if to see if she was watching, as if to make sure she knew that, 'yes this is happening'. And then he would roll his eyes and turn back to the girls. Who did he think he was? And even more important who did he think she was?

Instead of confronting him about the bullshit he was pulling she made a brash decision. She was going to play his game, but she wasn't just going to play, she was going to win.

She turned to Calum, who was obviously observing what was going on. He shrugged his shoulders not knowing what to say when he saw the look on her face.

"Its fine Cal, I just need a drinking partner for the night."

"He's a dick," Calum mumbled under his breath protectively.

Thank god for Calum, despite being Luke's best friend he always seemed to have her best interest in mind. He was always there to take her under his wing, to lighten the mood when things were getting tense. He knew how to make her smile, he knew how to make her forget the shit relationship she was stuck in.

She tapped her knee against his a few times and flashed him a smile, "Come on Cal, seriously we need some liquor."

He groaned then laughed a bit, before standing up. "Fine but none of that fruity shit," he said agreeing to come drink with her.

"Oh, don't worry," she told him flipping her hair before leading him to the end of the bar opposite Luke, "I'm thinking it's a tequilla night."

"Oh shit," he said, sounding a bit concerned.

She leaned against the bar, making sure not to even look in Luke's direction. Smiling at the bar tender she ordered six shots.

"Six?!" Calum asked, "Who are the extra four for?"

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