chapter 10: Welcome to the US, bitch.

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Maybe we feel empty
Because we leave pieces of
Ourselves in everything we
Used to love.


"Rouge! Your boyfriend's here!" Davey yelled from downstairs referring to Logan who has come to pick me up for the party.

"Get your facts straight Dave!" I yelled back, while getting out of my room.

"Oh right sorry. Your other boyfriend is here!" he exclaimed.

Arghh... Did he just...

"Thank you Dave." I said, walking towards them in the living room.

"Other boyfriend?" Logan asked.

"You look good, let's go!" I said dragging him out of the house.

"Have fun you two!" mom yelled after us.

We got in his car and drove along.

"So why were you given detention that day?" I asked him.

Logan sighed softly and tightened his grip on the stirring wheel as he narrowed his eyes on the road, ignoring my question.

"Question...answer." I said.

"Mrs Kirk caught me in the girls restroom ." he said.


"What the hell were you"

Logan answered his vibrating phone before I could finish my sentence.

"Hey wassup?" he said.

"Where are you?"

"I'm on my way."

"well then hurry, Emily's losing it."

Logan glanced at me before saying "Yeah, bye."

"Looks like somebody needs you." I said when he hung up.

"I wouldn't say she actually needs me." he justified.

"Well what ever she wants from you, you can't keep her waiting."

"You saying that like she's my first priority." he laughed.

"Isn't she?"

Logan glanced at me with confusion painted on his face.

"why would you possibly think that?"

"What else would you expect me to think if people keep warning me to stay away from you." I said.

Logan stops at the red light, and locks eyes with me. "Stay away from me? Who told you to stay away from me?"

I don't answer him and fix my gaze outside the passenger side window.

"Is that why you've been avoiding me lately?"

"I haven't been avoiding you."

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