Dating Scott McCall would include...

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- being best friends with Stiles

- puppy eyes/puppy nicknames/puppy everything

- overprotectiveness af

"I can protect myself, Scott"

"Yeah, well, I can protect you better!"

-  cuddling all. the. damn. time.

- goodmorning, goodafternoon and goodnight texts (especially when he's not with you)

- pack meetings

- helping Scott with Liam and then helping Liam with his shifts

- you being his anchor 

- forehead kisses!!

- never, ever missing a lacrosse game

- making out/sex in coach's office...all the time

- cuteness/adorableness absolute overload

- being the most lovey dovey/couple in the pack

- all pack members respecting you cause you're kinda alpha by association

- Melissa literally loving you and considering you to be a daughter

- you always being put first, sometimes even before his other pack members

- sweet, sudden kisses in random places at random times

- sweet sex

- rough sex (typically post full moon)

- motorcycle rides all the time - despite his protests sometimes

- him being literally wrapped so tightly around your finger

- you loving it

- taking his lacrosse jersey all the damn time and wearing it everywhere, especially to lacrosse games

- you're his 'hot girl'

- cute bonding moments with mama mccall

- his secret kink that you discover when you call him 'your alpha'

- being the 'pack parents'

- so so so many romantic, cheesy gestures all the time

- his arm/hand always being on you in some way, doesn't matter where or when

- him always complimenting you, telling you how beautiful he thinks you are all the time

- wide, ear to ear grins

- movie marathons that always turn into more

- comforting him when he makes difficult decisions for the packs

- cooking together...and usually burning every thing and just ordering pizza

- lots and lots of alpha and wolf, a lot

- him spoiling you on every holiday possible (valentines day, christmas, your birthday, anniversaries, doesn't matter)

- him always remembering your anniversay

- and always planning something cheesy and romantic for it

- usually leading to really sweet sex

- that lasts pretty much the entire night/morning

- kisses before you seperate for class, to go home, whenever

- catching him staring at you

- him smiling when you blush

- him coming to you with all his pack and insecurity problems when he worries he's not the true alpha everyone expects him to be

- you comforting him when he comes over

-always, always, always facing each other to sleep, always

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