The Decision - Liron

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My hands are shaking as I write. Why do I have to be so nervous? Why can't I be like Jasmine or Gem? You see the reason for my jitters has nothing to do with exams or classes and everything to do with Scabiour.   

Musical knowledge! I bet a blast-ended skrewt has more musical knowledge than him, but according to Professor Flitwick we need him at choir practice.     

Everyone's been going crazy ever since the posters about the Hogwarts celebrations went up. I can't move for girls talking about dresses and different hairstyles and if I hear someone mention the word Quidditch to me again, I may scream.     

As far as I'm concerned, my involvement, or lack of, doesn't bother me. It just so happens that being the best voice in the choir means I have to sing at the opening ceremony, which I'm fine with but then Flitwick had to mess everything up and ask Scabiour to come along and review our skills.     

Why can't the ground just swallow me up?      

I've got until tomorrow afternoon to try and sort myself out but all I keep thinking of is that signature smirk suddenly cracking and becoming laughter. Loud, jeering laughter that rings all around the hall and echoes in my ears...      

No! No, I won't let some stupid crush ruin this! Why would he laugh anyway? If I'm as good as everybody says then perhaps this is my chance to get him to notice me. To see me as someone else, rather than the girl he sits behind during Defence.       

Surely it can't be that difficult...      


I snapped my diary shut as I heard a sharp tap on the window. I looked up to see a familiar owl perched on the window ledge.       

With a reluctant sigh, I cracked the window open and the owl fluttered in, perching on my towel rail. I extracted the letter tied to it's leg and waited for it to leave but it didn't. It sat staring at me disapprovingly, a familiar expression to me. When I had first come to Hogwarts I had purchased an owl especially for my parents so they could contact me. At first they were totally against the idea but lately I had noticed they were using it more and more often.     

With a shake of my head, I looked down at the letter and ripped it open.       

'Darling, your father and I have decided it would be best if you left that school of yours during the October Holidays and came home. We have plenty of events lined up for you to perform at and I know you would hate to disappoint us. 

Inform your teachers of your decision and we'll see you at the train station. 


I read through the letter twice more, certain sentences standing out in my mind.       

'Inform your teachers of YOUR decision'      

In my mind I wasn't given the choice, I was going home for Halloween whether I liked it or not.       

I flopped down onto my bed after shooing the family owl from the dorm. I would reply in my own time, telling my lovely parents how wonderful it will be to spend time with them over the holidays.       

With a groan I lay back into my pillows and started on some Charms homework.       


Friday afternoon arrived far quicker than it should've done and in know time at all I found myself pushing open the doors to the Great Hall with a sweaty hand.       

My heart was pounding against my chest as if trying to knock down a locked door. I walked nervously across the flagstone floor and sat down on a worn bench to wait for everyone else to arrive.       

The Hogwarts Diaries - Marauder's EraWhere stories live. Discover now