4 - The Forgery

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The Forgery

Salvation must be conquered for the future's sake. Sacrifices were commonplace...

Finally, after a hard time, we reached the vicinity of Mount Hostenoist. It was beautiful to see, a mountain detached from the huge mountain range, known as Jedhê Isninkri or Daughters of the Heavenly Mountains. The range had slightly blue and white hues, but Hostenoist was different, always displaying its reddish brown carapace. It was a very high mountain, but its natural warmth didn't allow the formation of ice on its surface. Not even during the winter or under blizzards! In such times, it was shrouded in a thick mist of water vapor. From here, one also could see beyond the sea of white peaks, the tip of the highest peak of all the earth, the Great Heavenly Peak.

"I can't wait to see my brothers again - Helmut told me with his eyes glazed at Red Mountain".

"And I too hear news of the other ships of Lazeth's fleet".

"Let's hope your Gods protected them - Helmut showed skepticism about the survival of the others".

"If they favored us, why not others?" I asked hopefully.

He smiled and shrugged a little "Aye! Why not?"

"Here he comes" I pointed at the Eritradan's first mate coming from the docks. "What's new?" I asked aloud.

"Yes Captain..." he sounded disheartened and I sensed that there was no news of our ships.

"Three ships coming from Tleos arrived, however, only those of human crew".

I waved disappointed, but as part of my role I said "I'm sure Lazeth and the others will come soon".

"Should I proceed with preparations captain? Are we departing immediately to the Hostenoist?"

"Of course, time is precious; let us leave resting for later. All of the load should be carried by humans".

"Yes, sir".

"Keel, my friend" Helmut objected, worried "Perhaps you should be more lenient with the human crew, after all they also..."

Losing patience I said "Helmut listen, I know how to handle them, you do not understand, discipline is extremely important when dealing with humans, under milder conditions men rebel and disobey. Unfortunately, they are not so faithful and respectful to hierarchy as the elves. I'd rather keep them disciplined".

"I see you can't get along with them... But in the future of the war..."

"Another time Helmut. We talked about it and I can't really see your point. You'll see, you have known them better, then you'll understand my point of view".

"Keel, you're damn stubborn!" he said angrily and stomped out of the deck.

"And you lose it too easily!" I said irritated. But soon I reflected, "This dwarf is quietly getting me mad too. Am I not like him in my own way?"


After a few days of forced march, we reached the mountain's base. It was a busy and well-protected place. There were no towns, but instead hundreds of very crowded camps.

Helmut and the few remaining dwarfs celebrated with joy and enthusiasm the reunion with their companions, the Lava Dwarfs.

We entered the tunnels that were still under construction. There were thousands of dwarves in place. It was uncomfortable to walk on its hot surface and at many points, it was impossible to stand still without the feeling of being cooked alive. Everyone sweated a lot and at some closed chambers, the stench was almost unbearable.

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