9 - Terminating Queens

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When we were taken by despair we took mad actions I escaped a terrible death...

In those days, we had several strategic discussions about what to do during encounters with the demon queens. Common sense was to try to distract them and to run away. During one of those arguments, the whole thing changed direction. There were two dozen officials gathered in an intense debate silently observed by General Steffundil.

"Come on Scarlett, this discussion's going nowhere" concluded one of the officers. "It is impossible for us to kill a queen".

"Indeed," another agreed.

A moment of uncomfortable silence followed. Most agreed that the scenario was hopeless. The commanding general, Kriegor Steffundil, stood up to announce "Sacrifices must be made. We have to prove that they can be destroyed. I'll take care of it personally!"

"Lord General" Scarlett replied. "You can't be serious".

"I was never so serious. It's time to turn this game around".

"I'm with you" Shasticara announced.

"Listen captain, this resolution won't change our agreement.

"But General Steffundil, you know I want no time off".

"You will go to Talis to see your family. This is an order!"

Shasticara lowered her head. I started to say something but was interrupted by Kriegor.

"Listen to me captain. I assure you; you'll return in time to assist us against the queens".

The ice warrior went silent.

Like Scarlett, many officials doubted the sanity of the general and his decision to confront those monstrosities. After all, that endless war stirred everyone's nerves. Even the most disciplined and thoughtful elf could lose his reason, little by little.

"To the base" our commander ordered. "There you'll start training to complete this job. General Keel, the command will be yours. I'll travel to bring reinforcements".

"Yes, sir" as I accepted the order I felt a shiver.

Days later, we arrived at the Gray Peak Island. The training took about a year and was tedious. We trained hard, usually all day long. Scarlett and I spent much time together there. She didn't want to get away from me. Despite rules prohibiting martial relationships, everyone else turned a blind eye to our encounters. I thought less about Shasticara now that she was away at Talis. Sometimes I still remembered Princess Jilija.

One day, before dusk, Az made a swoop landing in the middle of the camp and bumped against my tent.

The dragon was full of excitement "Keel, they're coming!"

"The enemy?"

"No, Raastad and others!"

I got up to announce the arrival of our allied troops. Steffundil returned accompanied by Raastad, Prince Nöl and a dozen big shots such as Forthálik, high priest of the Ilksuut's temple and the legendary wizard Midrakus.

"Keel, my boy, great to see you again!" Raastad and I hugged.

Az came after me and licked his face like a dog. Raastad had a special way to deal with the dragons, a skill that I seemed to fail. Az never treated me in a similar way...

Scarlett became really excited about the presence of Forthálik, her superior in the temple of Ilksuut. With that, she finally gave me some space.

The next day I trained together with Prince Nöl. In the upper part of the island, between some jagged rocks, there was a sort of arena. From a higher rock, the towering figure of the wizard Midrakus silently watched us. Nöl was taller and stronger than his brother but unlike the rest of his family, he used no beard and his haircut was very short. Despite being big, he was very polite and elegant, almost elvish in his manners. It seems that breaking tradition was his way of life. Aside from being a scholar, he was also a trained warrior.

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