First Interlude - Past Echoes in the present - The Ruby Chamber

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 "This endless hall of red mirrors in which I sometimes stand alone, at times in the company of other prisoners, has been my home for a long time". I say to myself.

"Of course, and it could not be diferent". I answer stolidly with melancholy.

My optimistic side replies "I feel that there is hope after all. Conversations with doctors of the thing they call science has been encouraging".

My deluded side is cruel "There is no more hope. Fortunately, we've lost track of time".

"You may have lost track of time, but I do not. I know everything that happened. I know all the dates and learned from our successors about everything that happened after our death".

"That's because you're a fool to believe all the lies they tell. We can't trust anyone!"

"Yes, at least something to agree upon; I do not trust you".


"I trust you all, my friends. How about we play catcher?"

"Shut up, you crybaby!"

"Don't talk to him like that, or else..."

"Or else what you idiot? Will you torture me talking nonsense for how long? A thousand years? Five thousand years? Eighty thousand years? Oh, I'm scared!" he said sarcastically.

"We all know that our lucidity is a thing of the past".

"By the way, speaking of the past ... Our historian side is full of himself, telling them this silly story. Full of small vanities and little lies".

"Shut up!" I said. The real ME said "shut up, all of you! I, KEEL, COMMAND YOU TO!"

Well, about ten reflections of myself obeyed and soon disappeared. Only me and my cruel and disappointed self remained, staring face-to-face.

"Do you really think I'll shut up? You know who the real Keel is in here..."

"I parted from you, on purpose, didn't you know?"

"Wow! Can you tell me something new? Come on, I've known this for over a thousand years!"

"So listen to my story because it will save us all, even you, the sad and bitter part of myself".

"You're so boring! I'd rather succumb to the fires of hell and get tortured than to face eternity stuck here with you".

"Each part of us has the hell it desserves".

"I'm curious. What will you tell them now? More heroics, huh?" My cruel self was also very cynical and sarcastic. "Oh, please tell me more, oh mighty and beautiful Keel, the only savior of the universe!"

"I know you're interested in the story, though you won't admit it. You'll see... This story will be our salvation". 

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