Chapter 2

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Chantel's POV
3months passed & we made friends with another three girls Jasmine, Annie & Cecilia who were from the same class as us. I have been thinking about signing up for the music club in school, should I? We headed to lunch with me trying to decide if I should, we met the guys just outside the cafeteria's door. After getting our lunch, we walked back to the regular place where we usually sit. I took a bite on my spicy tuna sandwich & my eyes landed on Mr Snowy who was sitting all alone at the corner of the cafeteria, the guys have tried asking him to sit with us but each time he would reject & chase the guys away.

Me: That guy is weird.

Jez: Agreed!

Jasmine: Does anyone know his name?

Everyone shook their head. After school I headed to the music room to enroll myself & Mr Snowy was there too. The teacher was taking attendance, this is my chance to know his name.

Teacher: Chantel?

Me: Here!

Teacher: Min Yoongi?

Mr Snowy: Here!

Hah, so his name is Min Yoongi, I quickly texted my girls in our group chat.

Me: Hey girls, I know what's Mr Snowy's name is. ☺

Maya: What is his name? 😏

Jez: 😱

Me: His name is......

Jasmine: His name is?

Me: Min Yoongi!

Annie: Thats such a cute name for a rude guy like him. 😑

Cecilia: Exactly, doesn't suit that meanie.

Jez: WAIT?! How do you know his name? Did you talk to him? 😨

Me: Chill bitch, we are in the same music class & the teacher was taking our attendance & thats how I know his name.

Annie: I thought so.

4 more months went by, I honestly think Yoongi is not all that bad/rude. He talks a lot when it comes to music class so I suppose he likes music.

Yoongi: Hey Chantel?

Me: Oh hey Yoongi, what's up?

Yoongi: I wanna apologize for the way we met starting of the year.

Me: What? No, I forgot that the moment you walked away.

Yoongi: Its just that, no girl has ever fought me like you did.

Me: Really?

Yoongi: Yeah, so I got furious.

I chuckled looking at him while he pouted looking at the floor.

Me: So, friends?

Yoongi: Friends!

Me: I should introduce you to the others, trust me they are fun.

Yoongi: Wouldn't they mind? Especially that girl who I cursed at?

Me: Ahh, Maya? Nah, she'll be fine with it.

Yoongi: I can't wait then.

The teacher entered & he headed back to his seat that was across the room.

Mrs Lee: Okay class attention! We will be having a friendly competition among ourselves, I have already paired you up with someone so I will announce the pairs now. First of is Chantel & Yoongi, Sarah is with Jinyoung, Tessa is with Keith....

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