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5 Years later
Jimin's POV
Ever since Yoojin left, I haven't been the same. That girl went through so much in her life & she doesn't deserve to go through all that, it was very unfair. The rest think that I have fallen for her but I'm not sure if I did. Today we are all going to a cafe where Yoongi is going to propose to Chantel but Chantel has no idea of it. We all went there & I went to make orders with Maya, while Maya made the orders I kept looking at this one particular girl who looked very familiar but I couldn't guess who it was.

Maya: Chim, doesn't that girl look like Yoojin?

Me: Right! She does, no wonder she looked very familiar.

Maya: Were you looking at her all these while?

I nodded while I grinned at her widely.

Maya: Hey excuse me, this guy likes you & he wants your number!

Me: Maya!

Maya left while I stood at the counter looking awkwardly at Maya who walked away leaving me & the waitress alone. I turned to look at the waitress who stood there looking at me with a smile.

Me: Hello, I'm Park Jimin may I know your name? 

??: Hi Jimin, I'm Kim Yoona. Nice to meet you Jimin.

Me: Hi, Yoona ermmm...

Yoona: You want my number don't you?

I nodded at her shyly piercing my lips to a thin line. She took her phone out, asked for my number, I told her my number & she immediately texted me "Hi Jimin" which made me smile.

Me: Thanks, I will text you.

She nodded with a smile & I went back to the table to join the others. The proposal was done by then, we all started sipping our coffees & took bites from our cakes but I couldn't stop looking at Yoona. She looked so much like Yoojin, that smile & those eyes were the same as Yoojin's. Yoona's smile kept melting my heart, I can sit down here all day & look at her.

I texted her the moment we all got home & yes we are still staying in the same house. I & Yoona started messaging back & forth, I started falling for her as days & months went by. We met often outside the cafe she worked, I would drop her home & we would go watch movies & go for walks.

Today, I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I know she likes me too, the way she smiles at me is different from the way she smiles at other people. We met at the cafe she worked during her lunch break

Me: Yoona, I like you, all the times we have ever spent are so special to me. I really wanna start calling you mine, will you be my girlfriend, Kim Yoona?

Yoona looked surprised but she nodded smiling, I got up & went over to hug her really tightly.

Yoongi's POV
6months after the proposal
I'm marrying Chantel today, everything is set & we would become Mr & Mrs Min in 3hours time. I'm getting nervous, I was once this boy who never knew what love was, I never knew what was it like to share my life with a special someone, I never knew I could love someone, I never knew someone would ever love me but all that happened.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, Hoseok, Jackson & Namjoon are my best man. Chantel walked down the aisle looking so much like a princess, my heartbeat raced & I think I just fell in love with her all over again. She stood beside me with a smile that I wanna see for the rest of my life. We said our vows & both of us had tears in our eyes, both of us said our "I do's" & we have officially become Mr & Mrs Min. I kissed her & all our friends cheered, screamed, shouted!

Me: I'm yours now Mrs Min.

Chantel: I'm yours too Mr Min.

I held her hands in mine & that moment I knew, I would never wanna ever let her go.

Taehyung's POV
In 2 more months, I & Maya will be moving to New York for 10months. I became a graphic designer & so did Maya so both of us are attending a course there together, we are sad leaving the others but it is for both our futures.

Namjoon became one of the best lawyers & Jin became a celebrity chef & owns a small but well known restaurant, Jungkook is a well known singer & dancer. Jez is a makeup artist & a fashion designer in the entertainment industry, Hoseok became a dance choreographer & just opened his own studio, Yoongi is a rapper & a producer, Chantel is a singer & song writer, Annie became an author while Jackson joined a group called Got7, Jimin is a dance choreographer who works in Hoseok's studio.

Basically all of us have our own lives now but we still manage to spend as much time as we can, soon me & Maya won't be able to see the rest for 10months.

1year later
Jin's POV
We are all waiting outside the operation room, Yoongi was pacing back & forth while he bit his fingernails soon Taehyung & Maya rushed towards us looking worried. Soon the doctor came out

Doctor: Mr Min?

Yoongi: Yes, that's me.

Doctor: Congratulations, their twins, a boy & a girl.

Yoongi started crying while he bite onto his bottom lips.

Yoongi: Can I see my wife & my babies?

Doctor: Yes but let us just transfer her to a normal ward first.

Yoongi nodded & turned to look at us, we all gave him a group hug congratulating him.

Jez: Me & Jin are the god parents!

Taehyung: Nah, me & Maya are, because we are the goofy ones & kids love goofy.

Annie: Y'all are too childish to be even considered god parents! It should be me & Jackson because we are matured.

Me: No, it should be me & Jez!

Yoongi: Sorry but my kids aren't having god parents but they have a god father, me & Chantel decided on this long ago. The god father is................ Hoseok.

We all looked at Hoseok, he looked shocked but eventually smiled at Yoongi.

Hoseok: Let me see my god babies!

He chirped loudly while he did mini jumps.

Me & Jez got engaged 3 months ago, Jimin will be getting married to Yoona in 2 weeks. Namjoon is on his honeymoon with Natalie, yup the same Natalie that proposed to me back in high school.

All our lives have been settled pretty good, we all still miss Jasmine a lot. Every year no matter where we are, all of us would gather without fail, we would do a death anniversary prayer for her & Yoojin so that they would rest in peace. Cecilia visits us twice a year, she's married & is a mother for 2 cute girls.


Thank you to each & everyone who read my very first book, at first I really had no confidence to do this but eventually 2 very important people encouraged me a lot (you both know who you all are 😀) Thank you to 'C' & 'M'. All of you are more than welcome to comment or to vote. Hope I would be able to write another book soon, so till we meet again! ☺


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