Chapter 18

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Hoseok's POV
I went to meet my uncle in his station, he wanted to talk to me about Mr Yoo, I sat waiting for him at the waiting area & soon he arrived. I followed him to his office & sat across him with my hands on his table looking at him, he looked at me

Uncle: Well Hoseok, remember the man you wanted me to trace?

I nodded my head slowly.

Uncle: He died 2 years ago.

Me: What?! How?

I slightly raised my voice at him

Uncle: He committed suicide after killing his wife & his daughter. My friend was the one who attended to that case, anyway why are you looking for him? Anything serious? Need the police departments help?

Me: Ermm its nothing serious, I gotta go now I'm meeting some friends in an hour. Thank you for your help uncle 

Uncle: Alright, anytime son, take care!

Me: Take care too uncle.

I stepped out of the building & stood there frozen, looking up at the bright cloudless sky not knowing what to do now. I quickly texted in the group chat that Jackson created.

"We need to talk 😨"

Me: I have got bad news guys. 😳

Yoongi: 😕😕 ??

Taehyung: Where are you anyway? 😀

Me: I'm at my uncle's office & Its about Yoojin's father Mr Yoo. 😣

Jin: What is it hoseok, found anything?

Me: Yeah about that, he died 2 years ago guys!

Namjoon: WHAT?! HOW?!

Jackson: So what does this means? How are we going to tell Yoojin?

Me: Thats where the problem is, I dont know how we are going to tell her about this.

Yoongi: The girls are cooking, so they won't be replying. Okay, so how did he die?

Me: well, after killing both of them, he took his own life.

Taehyung: This is all getting too messed up.

Jackson: I need to save Annie guys. 😔

Jungkook: Hey just woke up, so what can be done now?

Jimin: Yeah, I'm here too. Also our holiday ends in a week time.

Namjoon: My god! 😨 this is stressing.

Jungkook: I think we should just tell her the truth.

Jin: Sounds like a good idea to me, we've got no other choices. 😕

Taehyung: Come home hoseok.

Jackson: yeah get home first we will take about it at home.

Me: Sure guys, see y'all at home.

I started driving heading home, the couples were on the couch & the others were setting the table.

Jez: Oh Hoseokie is back!!

She cheered like a kid, I smiled at her.

Me: Hey girls, what's up!

Maya: The guys told us what happened.

Chantel nodded at Maya & looked at me worried

Chantel: You okay?

Me: I am, I'm just really worried about our Annie.

Chantel: I understand Hoseok, why dont you go take a warm bath & let's eat. We'll talk about this later?

She patted my back with a smile.

Me: Sure guys give me 10mins, I will be down & we can all eat together.

Chantel: Alright!

As I walked up to my room, I saw Annie & Jackson & I immediately started getting worried about Annie. She already looked so weak, I have to do something. While I showered I kept thinking about what can be done, I got a plan. After showering, I went down & joined the others & we all ate together with Annie after a long time.

Me: Let's go to the basement later, I'm going to break it to her.

Jin: You sure?

Me: Yes, she has to know that she's wasting her time.

Annie: Why am I wasting my time, Hoseok?

We all looked at Annie & we knew that Yoojin is already here with us.

Jimin: Yoojin?

Annie looked at Jimin with a smile on her face & nodded then looked back at me.

Yoojin: So? How am I wasting my time hoseok? Did you get the details about that bastard?

Me: I- I, Yoojin, your father is dead. He killed himself after killing your mom & you.

Yoojin: His dead? Thats my job!! I have been waiting for 2 years to do that!

Suddenly the basement's door creeked open, all of us turned to look towards the basement's direction in confusion. If Yoojin is here, then who is that? A strong wind gashed into the house & we heard a male voice whispering in a weird language, we all looked at Yoojin whose face looked furious.

Yoojin: Thats him! I know it, I remember the words he is whispering those were the same words he said before he ended my life.

Jungkook: What do you mean by 'that's him'?

Yoojin: The bastard who destroyed my family, his here! Finally I can take my revenge!!

She clenched her fist tightly with a very angry expression staring towards the basement's direction. A male's voice started laughing hysterically, it startled all of us because it sounded so evil.

Man: You are back Yoojin! I am back too!!

We all looked at Yoojin

Yoojin: Why are you here bastard!

Man: I missed you baby, I'm your father after all. Have you forgotten?

Yoojin: Stop saying that you are my father, it disgusts me.

The man started laughing again, we could only hear his voice but couldn't see him.

Yoongi: Yoojin, this is your chance! Do it but please return Annie safely to us.

He whispered to her.

Jackson: I need her more than anything so please give her back to me.

He sobbed

Yoojin: I told you guys, I'm not here to hurt anyone except for that bastard. I will return Annie to you safely, trust me.

Jackson nodded with tears sliding down his cheeks while he bit on his bottom lip. With that Yoojin walked towards the basement & closed the door shut, the whole house became silent but the tension was high.


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