Blood Bath

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"What's the plan?" I asked Aaron as he assembled a fire. We were up so early; earlier then everyone else around us.

"We've got to leave soon." He said, in a stern voice.

"But why? I thought we were just settling in?" I asked him, recalling the past three days here. Everyone has been nice and friendly, and the women and I had had time to talk to and relax from the gory seen we left behind at the camp.

"The Nazi leaders are after us, Eliana. If we don't get going soon, we're going to be kill along with the rest of them!" He said, raising his voice at me.

"Why haven't you told the others? Do you want them to die as well?" I asked in anger. It wasn't like Aaron to pick up and leave everyone he knows so he can live.

"I informed the men when we arrived that it wasn't safe. Their safety is out of my control." He said, finishing up our breakfast.

"So we're just going to leave them here?" Looking around, I noticed no one was moving. How strange it was.

"What other choice do we have,Eliana?" His voice showed sorrow, and I understood that there was nothing left we could do.

"After we eat, we need to pack our bag. The men gave me some supplies to help us on our way back home." He said, rummaging around our tent.

"How long until we will be home?"

"Can we talk once we leave?" Since we had got here, we haven't had much time to talk or have my questions answered. As far as I knew, everyone I once knew is dead. Except for him.

"Of course. I'm looking forward to it, actually." He said, smiling at me

We packed up everything as fast as we could, including the tent and fire supplies. He put a large knife in his pocket, and gave me a pocket knife in case we get separated. While he finished packing, I told him I wanted to say goodbye to one of the Nazi wife's with us.

As I approached the tent, a bad feeling swept over me. I wasn't sure why, until I unzipped the tent. The scene before me was nasty as ever. Both the Nazi and his wife were covered in blood, which looked fresh. The whole tent was covered in the red liquid, causing me to scream.

When Aaron ran over and saw the scene, he began to cry.

"Let's look at the other tents.." He said, slowly unzipping the other four tents. The same scene was in every tent. Horrified, he picked up a note left in the tent nearest to ours. In German, the note said they chose to spare us, but be warned. If we don't turn around and come back to camp, our deaths will be more deadly and painful then we could ever imagine.

"What do we do?" I asked Aaron, crying on his shoulder. I thought things were finally looking up.

"We keep moving, Eliana. The Nazi's aren't as dumb as we thought. I can see why they're so angry.. But I didn't expect this. Now come on, stop crying. We've got a long ways to walk." He said, entwining his hand with mine. For a brief moment, I felt safe. Protection.

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