The End

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Sometimes it takes a bad situation for you to realize what you have, and what has been under your nose the whole time. I finally figured that out when I was walking down the isle, looking ahead to the guy of my dreams; Aaron. Sure, I was only seventeen, but I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. His smiling face showed me he thought the same.

Mother's wedding dress fit me to the tee, and as I smiled at the villagers and my new friends, I wished she was here to see me. I didn't have Chaya to help me prepare, but Hannah had helped fill the role of a friend, a sister even.

After the kiss and walking down the isle together, I forgot all of the hard times. Sure, the Nazi's were just miles away from us, but they saw us as no threat anymore. We gave them the money, and they give us peace. An as momentary as the feeling of happiness is, it's worth it.

Just a month after we had left, all the camps were liberated. The war was over, and some people found their way back to our town. Not many, but a few. We celebrated with the fellow survivors, and began to try and piece back our lives together. Everyone tried to forget the horrible events we had faced.

We decided to stay in his mother's house, and my mother's house was transformed into a nursery; which I will work until the younger children in town become of age to go to school. Then I will be a teacher. Aaron works with the men in town, constantly trying to update and grow. And soon enough, we will start a family of our own.

I don't know what's in store for us, but I know as long as I have Aaron here, I can overcome it.

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