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The museum was bustling

With people

When we arrived.

Children were running around

While their mothers conversed

Within their group.

It wasn't much of

A formal museum.

There was art

Hanging on the walls

In the lobby.

We walked past

A World War II

Memorial, and you

Told me stories

Your grandfather had told you

When you were young.

I kept a tight grip

On your arm,

Not just for

Fear of falling over,

But because I felt

Such fascination

With your love for history

And the wars.

I watched your face,

How your eyes lit up

As you spoke,

And how the corners

Of your mouth

Lifted up in a smile.

It was beautiful.

You were beautiful.


I started to feel woozy

After about an hour,

And you suggested

That we go home.

I shook my head,

Rejecting the offer,

But you still wanted

Me to sit down.

I'm fine,

I said, but

You would have

None of that.

I don't want to sit,

I'm okay. Let's just

Keep going.

You looked at me,

A concerned look

On your face,

And sighed.

Come on.

I raised an eyebrow

When you bent

Your knees.

Come on, get on.

I asked,

What are you

Talking about?

And you answered,

Piggyback style. Please,

Macy, I need you

To get on my back.

I laughed quietly.

I can't do that!

This is a museum!

You rolled your eyes

And smiled.

And I'm your friend.

So please, for the

Love of God, get on

My back right now.

I shook my head,

I'm not doing this.

You straightened your posture

And yelled sarcastically,

Macy, get it together!

I'm tired of all this

Crap! You never listen

To me!

People around us

Started to stare,

And blood rushes

To my cheeks.

Adam, be quiet, now,

I said, running up

To you and placing my

Hand on your chest.

I'll do it,

Just hush, please.

You gave me

A huge smile

And bent down once again.

Get on, Macy.

With a lot of effort,

And a lot of struggle,

I managed to

Climb my way

Onto your back.

I was breathless when

I finally got up,

But it was okay.

Are you happy now?

I whispered in your ear,

And you grinned.

More than happy.

Adam & Macy | ✓Where stories live. Discover now