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Little Red?

It was a faint whisper

At first, and I

Hardly heard it.

I was asleep when

you arrived at my room.

I'm here,

I called back weakly.

You entered the room

And smiled at me,

Revealing a bouquet

Of tulips, my favorite.

I've brought you tulips,

Little Red. I thought

You might enjoy them.

I smiled, motioning

For you to join me

On my bed.

You bent down

And kissed my forehead

Before sitting on

The edge of the mattress.

I adore them,

I tried to sit up,

But there were wires

Everywhere, and I was

Very weak.

Macy, don't.

You said to me,

Don't try to

Sit up. You

Have to lie still.

I shook my head

And opened my eyes.

I can do this.

I pressed my hands

Against the mattress

And lifted myself up

Into a sitting position.

See? I'm perfectly-

As soon as you

Had placed the puke bin

Under my chin,

I started to vomit.


You made me

Lie back down

When my stomach

Was empty, and

I was thankful for you

When you cleaned

The puke bin for my mother.

She had always been

Squeamish about those

Types of things,

Especially throw-up.

Are you okay, love?

You asked, a

Concerned expression

On your face.

It seemed like

You always made

That face around me.

I feel poorly,

I admitted,

But only because

My mother had gone

To take a shower

Back at our house.

Do you need medicine?

You asked, but

I shook my head.

I just want to sleep,

If I'm honest

With you, Adam.

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