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You are truly

Beautiful, my love.

You said to me

As I brushed

My hair, a

Lot of it,

Falling out and

Onto the floor.

I am losing

My hair, and

This battle.

I said.

And you replied,

Not all beauty

Comes from hair,

Macy. Your beauty

Is within.

I smiled and said,

You've been on

Tumblr lately,

Haven't you, you

Cheesy goober you.


You took me

Out of my house

The next day,

With my parents'

Permission, of course.

I wore leggings

Instead of my

Regular pajama pants

And wore a

Tank top because

It was spring,

And it was warm,

But I still ended up

Wearing a sweater

Over my shirt.

You fixed my hair

Into a high ponytail,

And it felt good,

Even though I'd

Never worn a

Ponytail in

My entire life.

You took me

To lunch at a

Restaurant, and made me eat

A few bites

Of everything you ordered.

I did not puke.

It was purely

A miracle.

The waiters and

Other customers looked

Over and gave me

Sympathetic looks,

Like my cancer

Was obvious, and

maybe it was.

I had dark circles

Under my eyes,

My hair was

So thin, and

My cheeks were hollow.

I looked like

I was eighty

Instead of eighteen.


After our meal,

We went to

The movies too

See a Disney movie.

You were friends

With some of the

Workers at the

Theater, and got

Them to put in

An old film

Of Cinderella they

Found in the back.

We were the

Only people

In the entire theater.

When Cinderella lost

Her glass slipper,

You leaned over

And whispered,

You're my Cinderella.

I reached down,

Slipped off my sneaker,

And laid it

In your lap.

You held it

For the rest

Of the movie.

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