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The doctor says

I have to start

Chemo tomorrow.

I told you

A few days later.

We were at the park,

The one across the street,

That I would

Sometimes walk to

In my pajamas and bathrobe.


You said, and

Hid your face.

That's... fun.

I nodded.

I know. I'm going to

Be trapped in a hospital

For the next

Few months of my life.

You responded,

It will be okay,

You'll have me

By your side,

The entire time.

I won't let you go.

I laughed, and

Shook my head.

Whatever you say.

Suddenly, you got on

One knee and took

My hand and said,

Little Red, will

You be my girlfriend?

And I was speechless,

One piece of me,

Put back in its place,

A little less broken.


I said back.


You repeated, with

A huge grin.

She said yes.

I said,

Yes, I said yes.

You picked me up

Off the bench

And twirled me around

In the air.

My hair flew everywhere,

Including in your face,

But you didn't mind,

So that I could be happy.

And happy I was.


I'm starting chemo today,

I told you

The next day

On the phone.

My mum was

Driving, and she

Sent me a look.

I know. I

Want to come see you

After the treatment.

Will they admit you

And give you a room?

I glanced at my mum,

And said,

Probably so, but

I won't mind.

There are lots of

Children there that

Somewhat admire me,

So I'll be able to

Play with them sometimes.

We talked the whole way

To the hospital,

And only ended the call

When the doctor came

Into my room.

(Yes, I got a room.)

(Yes, I texted Adam.)

Macy Ellen,

You start treatment today.

Are you excited?

The doctor had a

Bright smile on his face,

And he seemed too

Hopeful for someone

Who works with patients

Who have cancer

And who might die.

It's just Macy,

I said and

Tucked a piece of hair

Behind my ear.

And no, I'm not

Excited for chemo.

I'll lose my hair

And I have nice eyebrows.

I spent a lot of

Work on them.

The doctor laughed,

But my mother

Didn't seem too happy

With me for that joke.

Your eyebrows will

Grow back after

The treatment ends.

I'll pay for you

To get them

Looking nice again

In a few months.

How about that?

I smiled.

I'd appreciate that,

Thank you, Doctor.

The room fell silent

For a few seconds.

Well, I suppose

We should get this

Show on the road.

Shall we, Just Macy?

I rolled my eyes

And stood from my bed,

Grabbing the hospital gown

From his hands.

I'll just be a moment.

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