10: Mikaal

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Dalia felt incredibly stressed - she had gotten barely any study done the previous Friday in spite of her genuine attempts, nor on the weekend. Her head throbbed from the heaviness of the knowledge that her first exam was now less than a week away.

Thankfully, it was Monday - her day to unwind and relax over coffee and Tim Tams. It was just the thing she needed to set up her week for success - indulging in the intoxicating, rich, chocolate-coated biscuit, melting in her mouth under the heat of her latte, helping her forget her anxiety.

Unfortunately, Mikaal had messaged her about meeting early, to which she reluctantly agreed. She was used to doing the ritual alone since Simon had stopped joining her. She couldn't quite remember when he had decided not to accompany her anymore since introducing her to the idea, but then she vaguely recalled he wasn't exactly with her every week when he had his own life to lead.

Dalia decided she would come to Reid Cafe a little bit earlier than the agreed time of her meeting with Mikaal, so she could get her 'vice' out of the way and be ready to attack the dreaded, boring Chemistry topic once again. She sat, enjoying the fresh air, looking ahead at the ducks swimming in the pond that separated the cafe from the luscious, green grass, a foreground to a small bush of trees. She unconsciously adjusted her coffee-filled cup, bringing it closer to her, turning it from its handle as if preparing it for its soon-to-be fulfilled purpose. She rummaged through her canvas backpack for the Tim Tams, placing the opened packet on the table, carefully choosing the piece next in line for sacrifice. Just as she was about to bite off one end of the rectangular, chocolate cream centred biscuit, a smooth, commanding and all too familiar voice interrupted.

"Oh no you don't."

Dalia stopped, biscuit still suspended mid-air between her right thumb and forefinger, inches away from her salivating mouth. She turned around, her forehead wrinkled.

"Not without me at least," Mikaal said, a playful smile on his lips.

The chocolate was now melting in her hands, but amused, she obeyed his command and waited for him to join her across the table. "Hey," she said, feeling a hint of excitement at the sight of him, Simon's warning far from her mind. "I thought we were meeting at 8:30am. I didn't expect you to suggest we meet so early when I know you're not a morning person."

"I wanted to surprise you..." Mikaal's smile became mischievous as he reached into his denim, duffle bag. Intent on seeing her reaction, he focussed his attentions on her face after he had revealed a fresh packet of Tim Tams that he had placed on the table next to hers.

She wasn't sure what her expression said, but surprise and delight were what she felt, currents of joy running through her fingers as she touched the packet with her free left hand. 'How did he know?' she thought, then surmised that he had been paying more attention to her than she had given him credit the week before when they had had their chat at this same cafe. "Thanks heaps," she said, beaming.

"It's too easy pleasing you," he said, his eyes teasing now. "You better get on with it. Your Tim Tam won't need your coffee to melt it."

Dalia laughed, before proceeding to bite off one end of the biscuit.

"That's not how you do it," Mikaal said with a teasing tone, reaching over to grab one for himself, hesitating at first, his fingers lingering at the opening of her packet. He looked at her, his eyes questioning, as if asking if she allowed him to deprive her of one.

She pretended to contemplate the matter with seriousness before finally nodding her okay, intrigued.

Mikaal bit one corner of his Tim Tam rather than a whole side as she had, before nibbling off the opposite corner, holding the piece in the air, saying matter-of-factly, "This is the proper way." His usual, smooth smile spread across his face.

"Oh please, since when was there a rule book on how to do the slam?" Dalia's lips curled up into a smirk, an eyebrow raised.

"Since I - " he stopped, his eyes retreating into his head as if realising he was about to say something he shouldn't have, but went on, "have been a Slammer for many years and have studied this craft."

Dalia laughed again at his antics. "Will you stop interrupting me already?" She looked at her Apple Watch, "You've deprived me of heaven for 10 whole minutes now!"

Mikaal grinned and raised his hands in surrender, "Sorry, you're right." He made a galant gesture with his left hand as he said, "Proceed."

They both enjoyed a couple of rounds each before they agreed they were high enough on sugar to kickstart their study session. Strangely, throughout this shared experience, Dalia continued to feel complete ease and comfort in his presence, not even self conscious in spite of the messy affair they were engaged in, melted chocolate all over their hands. How could she see him as a bad guy when one, he was buying her Tim Tams, and two, he was just easy to be around? And yet, was that exactly the reason she should be worried?

"What are you studying today?" Mikaal asked, interrupting her internal conflict, licking his fingers before grabbing one of the serviettes Dalia had stacked on the table in preparation for the inevitable mess, wiping his hands clean.

"Chemistry... I tried to get a head start on Friday, and the whole weekend, but no luck." Her shoulders slumped, "It's just so hard to study at home."

"Yeh I know the feeling, so I don't even try."

"What are you working on?" Dalia scrunched the soiled tissue after cleaning her own hands.

"Sports Science."

"Ooh, that sounds different. Is that as obvious as its name - the science behind sports?"

Mikaal chuckled. "Yes, spot on. Great guess!" His green globes looked at her in a joking way once again.

Dalia's teeth flashed white, secretly not surprised by his subject choice, his athletic build suggesting he must stay quite active. Unintentionally, she found her eyes tracing his contoured shoulders, his loose fitting, white, long sleeved, cotton top hanging easily on their curves. When she quickly returned her gaze to his face, she found an impish smile on his lips. 'Oh God, did he notice?' she thought to herself in panic, her eyes now wide.

She expected he would surely make a comment if he had, but he didn't say anything except, "Should we hit the books?" He didn't wait for an answer and began helping her with her things, picking up her massive Chemistry textbook that was a burden to carry because of how heavy it was. "Geez, you could kill someone with this. It's heavier than a brick!"

"I know, don't remind me. It's a real pain, so I only bring it when I don't have a choice, like today."

They headed back into the library and sought out a free communal table, that was large and rectangular in shape to allow small groups to study together although still with the expectation of silence, before they buried their heads into their respective subjects.


Hey there

So have any of you attempted the Tim Tam Slam for the first time since reading the story? I'd love to know!

I look forward to your continued comments and votes, until next week!


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