41: Mikaal

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As Dalia approached the entrance of the medical clinic, she could hear the buzz of voices even before she saw the throng of people, sitting on plastic chairs set up in rows, waiting to be seen. Her shoulders slumped and lines of concern etched across her forehead.


"Good morning! It is still morning, I think." The receptionist laughed to herself before she glanced at her watch and nodded in affirmation. "Are you here for your appointment?"

"Sort of... I haven't made one yet." Dalia panned the packed waiting room. "Are there any appointments left?"

The older woman hesitated. "I don't think so. It's been busy from the moment we opened our doors."

Dalia grimaced. 'Why didn't I think of calling and booking on the way?' she thought, cursing in her head. "Well, thanks anyway," she said with a forced smile and turned her body towards the door.

The woman raised a plump hand, motioning for Dalia to wait. "Let me double check," she said before her eyes narrowed as they stared at the black monitor. After a few clicks of the mouse, she shook her head and cast an apologetic glance Dalia's way. "I'm sorry, we are fully booked."

Ring, Ring!

"Excuse me a second... Scarborough Beach Medical Centre, this is Liz speaking. How can I help you?"

Dalia looked down and shuffled her feet, trying to decide what to do next. Should she come back another day? Or should she find another clinic nearby—she did still need to see a doctor about whatever had just happened to her at the beach...

"That's not a problem. I can cancel that for you now."

Dalia looked up at Liz, her eyebrows raised.

Liz met her gaze, smiled and nodded her head.

Dalia's heart lifted in her chest as she rested her palms on the counter, drumming her fingers as she watched Liz replace the receiver.

"Well, it's your lucky day," Liz said cheerfully. "We've got a slot in about fifteen minutes."


"Have you been here before?"

Dalia shook her head and lines of worry returned. "Actually, I don't live in this area. Will that be a problem?"

"No, not at all! We serve everyone, even tourists."

Dalia breathed a sigh of relief before accepting the clipboard with the forms she needed to complete.

A few minutes later, she found an empty chair near a corner table stacked with magazines. She picked up a tattered 'Woman's Day' mag with torn out pages, flicking through and chuckling at the sensationalised headlines.

One week 3 Divorces

Showdown over school pickup

My life after murder

The secret I've been hiding for 22 years

Creases formed between Dalia's brows at the last headline. Nonetheless, her curiosity piqued, she began reading the article.

"Dalia," a boisterous voice called, pulling her attention away from yet another 'affair' story.

Dalia looked up and met the gaze of a friendly, round face framed with wavy brown hair that seemed to reach her waist. She returned the doctor's wide grin as she got up and followed the short woman to her office. The woman walked with a leisurely stride and her head bobbed up and down as if she had a song in her head.

MikaalWhere stories live. Discover now