53: Mikaal

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Dalia stepped into San Churro Chocolateria that buzzed with chatter. She noticed Mikaal immediately, sitting at a round table for two, looking expectantly at the entrance. She was sure it was him, except that his hair was dishevelled, his face unshaven—he looked a mess.

His eyes met hers, but they weren't the same eyes she remembered. The confident glint that always shone through was gone, replaced with a look of uncertainty.

"Meet me tomorrow at San Churros at 11:00 am," was all she had said—the conversation that was long overdue needed to happen face-to-face, not over the phone. So when he tried to make small talk, she had ended the call saying, "I'm a bit busy... I'll see you tomorrow."

Dalia looked sideways to collect her thoughts. 'How funny,' she thought, reflecting on how the tables had turned. Almost three months ago, they had met at this very same place, but she was the one uncertain, confused, looking at him for answers.

Creases formed between her brows when she remembered how he had messed around with her head, teasing her about not remembering him. Her jawline hardened as she decided it was her turn to make him squirm.

Mikaal stood up and pulled a chair out for her, his eyes not leaving hers. He waited for her to speak.

Now seated, both quiet, he searched her eyes for some sign.

"I remember what happened," Dalia said, her tone measured, the frown still on her face.

His eyes dilated, but he said nothing.

"I remember what you did."

A long sigh escaped his lips as he bent his head, his eyes downcast. When he looked up, a pained expression crossed his face. "Dalia, I'm so so sorry. It was so stupid of me. Such a stupid stupid mistake... I—" His voice faltered, his face cut up with emotion. "If only I'd..." He shook his head as if trying to block the memory.

She kept silent and remained stone-faced, giving nothing away.

"Dalia," he began again, moving a hand towards hers. He hesitated then put his hand back down onto the dark wooden table. "I don't expect you to forgive me. I can't even imagine what it's been like... I'll never forgive myself." He looked down once more, but his expression turned resolute and his voice was coloured with conviction when he next said, "But I love you so much. I can't live without you, Dalia." He sought her eyes for some signal that she might still feel the same.

Unable to contain her own longing any further, she said the words that answered his unspoken question. "I've missed you."

Mikaal pulled her into his chest, causing tears to pool in her eyes. He squeezed her so tightly she could barely breathe. "Dalia..." His voice came out a sigh of relief as he kissed her wet eyes, following her tears to her mouth. He then took her lips into his with slow passion, savouring every un-rushed second.

When they pulled apart, he brushed her hair out of her face as they caught their breath. "It's been so hard," he went on. "Simon and your parents told me to stay away from you. God, I almost killed you." There was anguish in his voice. "It was torture for me not having you in my life, but they were right. Maybe I was too reckless and wasn't good enough for you. I really tried to let you go. But when I bumped into you here that day and saw you looking so sad, I knew I couldn't stay away. We were miserable without each other."

Dalia pulled back from their embrace, a furrow in her brow. "Mikaal..."

"Yes?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

"What were you thinking when you approached me? What was going through your head?"

"Honestly, I just winged it..."

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