Chapter 1

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I waited impatiently in line for Pierce the Veil’s meet & greet along with two of my friends. I was dying with excitement to finally meet my favorite band. We had just finished watching their live performance in San Diego, CA, and were still pumping with energy from the show. My two friends, Leila and Kristine, were arguing about the cutest band member.

“Okay! We all know that Jaime is obviously the cutest member of Pierce the Veil. And the fact that he is so funny just adds to his cuteness.” I heard Leila argue. “You’re so wrong! Mike is definitely the cutest and sweetest, might I add.” Kristine contradicted. “How would you know if he’s the sweetest? You’ve never met him.” Leila said as she rolled her eyes. “Well after tonight you’ll see that I’m right.” Kristine was so stubborn. “I don’t think so. What do you think, Jenn?” asked Leila. “You both already know my answer to that argument.” I said laughing. We had been through this a billion times before tonight. “Oh right, you’re turtle girl.” Kristine laughed. I smiled, “Forever and always, baby.”

I was trying to get a look at the Meet & Greet table where the PTV boys were signing their hearts away. I could see Jaime and Vic from where I stood. “Did you guys bring them any gifts?” I asked. “Hell yes I did! I brought Mike some Harry Potter collectibles.” Piped up Kristi. “Oh right, you told me about those.” “I brought Jaime a box of candy and cool stuff.” Leila said smiling. “No wonder she wouldn’t let us have a candy on the ride over here.” Kristi said and I laughed.

I looked back over at the signing table and I could now see Tony smiling as he received a turtle plush toy. As I was about to look away, I noticed Tony stand up to answer a phone call. Curious I kept watching. I could see his expression from where I stood and suddenly his amazing smile was gone. He whispered something in Vic’s ear and Vic nodded in agreement. Then he apologized to the next group of girls in line and left the table.

Kristi and Leila were now discussing what they should have brought for gifts instead of theirs. “Umm, hey guys. . . I’ll be back in a few okay? Text me if you need me.” I told them and walked out of my place in line. I walked towards where I saw Tony leave. Luckily, the area near the table was a bit hectic and had security distracted that not many people noticed Tony leave . . . or me follow him.

It was dark out, since it was near midnight already, but as my eyes were accustomed to the dark, I could easily find my way around. I walked towards the back of the venue, near the bands’ tour buses, where it was most likely for me to find Tony. Why I was following him, I had no idea. All I knew is that something in my gut was telling me I needed to find him.

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