Classy Photoshoot.

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[Tex's POV] 

*The day after*

I'm currently at my first Australian photoshoot.. Promoting a new line of clothes for one of the most popular companies here!

They scheduled it months ago, and they found me cos of my band, so obviously they wanted me to look like a barbie for the shots,

they got a shock when I turned up this morning with all my hair chopped off, ha ha. 

I still have to wear a long blonde, full bangs wig though, which kinda sucks... cos I wanna be myself, but this is a great opportunity

and I really want to be photographed in Australia.

After I got my hair and make-up done, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked.. so... different? I'm used to having short hair,

and now it's been replaced with a wig.. hm. 

Even if I wanted long hair, it would not be possible, for a long while.. my hair hardly grows anymore, and when it does, I cut it again

cos it looks awkward.. ugh.

Who cares anyway, I don't have to look like a barbie all the time... this is a nice change, although I wanna dye it a different colour soon.

''Miss Biersack, this way.'' said the stylist. 

She took me to a large room, filled with loads of props and loads of people.

Today's theme was ''Classy Hollywood'' 

I was wearing a long red dress,  huge pearls around my neck, white fur jacket on my shoulders. The wig was slightly curled,

and my lips were painted a deep red, eyes were covered in loads of black eyeshadow.

''You'll be working with Russell Brand today, He'll be your ''guy'' in the shoot, so act like a couple.'' The photographer said,

as he introduced me to Russell. 

Wow, he was gorgeous, his name seems very familiar. 

''Ello love. Ow are ya?'' Russell smiled. 

And he was English too, wow. 

''I'm good thank you, how are you doing?'' I asked politely.

''Amazin'...'' He grinned. 

Moments after, we got stuck into the photoshoot, and we did deliver, the shots came out amazing!

* * * * * 

''Wow,  I actually thought that was your real hair.'' Russell gasped, as I took the wig off. 

''Don't you like it?'' I frowned. 

''I do, It's just a shock, I'm used to girls with long hair... But it makes you look even more prettier.'' He smiled.


''You do it yourself?'' 

''Ha ha. Nope, I debated on doing it myself, but it was too much hair.. my hair was down my waist.. so I just went salon,

and got it cut and shaved.'' I shrugged.. ''Spur of the moment kinda thing, I kinda regret it now.'' 

''Aw, you're brave! It looks lovely, stop worrying'' He chuckled.  ''So, I can tell you're not from here, what brings you to Australia?'' 

''My brother's band is playing a festival called Warped Tour, So I'm hanging with them for a while.. you?''

''Cool! I'm just having a little holiday, clearing my head.... Me and my wife just got divorced'' He frowned.

''I'm sorry. My boyfriend just recently broke up with me...'' 

''So, I'm just staying clear from all girls for a while. By the way, I'm sorry too, that you've just broken up.. It's the worst feeling ever.''

''Tell me about it.'' I sighed. ''I'm sorry Russell, it was really nice meeting you, But I have to go, I have errands to run.'' 

''It was nice to meet you too! Here, have my number'' He said, as he wrote it down on a piece of paper. ''I'll be here for a few months, call whenever you wanna hang out'' 

''I will do! thank you! see you soon'' I smiled, as I hugged him and left the studio.

* * * * *

''Don't you think you and Isobel are moving a little too fast?'' I sighed, as I sat next to Ash on his bed. Isobel wasn't here for once, thank god. 

''No. I love her so much. We're gonna get married soon, I'm gonna be with her forever.''

''Yeah, but announcing that you're trying for a baby at the dinner table is what I call ''going too fast''...'' 

''No it isn't.'' 

''It is Ashley. Why can't you see that? You haven't known her for that long, and already you're engaged, and want kids right now?'' 

''I want babies with her, the sooner the better, If she got pregnant in the next month, I'd be overjoyed.'' He sighed.


''Cos I want her to be the mother of my children.''


''You can't talk.. look how young you had Venencia...'' 

''That's different, I didn't plan it, it just happened.'' 

''So what? It's our life.... we'll have as many children as we want, we'll get married tomorrow, if we wanted... stop trying to decide for me'' 

''I'm not, it's j-''

''I've heard enough Tex.'' He interrupted. 



''We really need to ta-''

''NO.'' He said angrily. ''Just stop it.'' 

''I just want what's best for you, since your my bestfriend, and I love you.. but you don't love me, and I don't know what I've done wrong.'' 

''What? I didn't say that, of course I love you.''

''Yes, you said that... the other day.'' 

''I don't remember, but I didn't mean it. I'm sorry... I do love you, alot.'' 

''Whatever, I'm out.''  I groaned, as I stood up, and walked over to the door, hand on handle. 

''Tex'' He sighed. ''It was all up to her, I don't really want kids, but she's had a hard time....'' He trailed off.

''Just do what you feel's right. You don't have to listen to everything she says.'' I replied, and then pushed the handle down, and

walked out of the door.

I don't really like Isobel. 

I wonder what Ash meant by ''she's had a hard time.''...  And why was she gone for so long?

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