(Starter chapter) BotW!Link x reader //WARNING: Slight spoilers!!//

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Years before the Calamity happened, you and Link have been best friends since the beginning of time. You would always meet by the Temple of Time every morning to sit by the Goddess statue, and talk until it was evening. You two would watch the Guardians as they crawled about, watching for enemies who dared to come in their view.
Sometimes, you and Link would visit the other Champions. Urbosa: the Gerudo Champion, Daruk: the Goron Champion, Mipha: the Zora Champion, and Revali: the Rito Champion.

Today, you were hanging out with Mipha, while Link was training nearby. You knew that Mipha had feelings for Link, so you kept your feelings secret.
"So Miph, how's your brother Sidon?" You asked her, smiling and brushing your (h/c) hair out of your (e/c) eyes. You didn't want to talk about Link, especially since he was near the both of you.

"He is good. My father is planning on making him a prince. I think he would be a good leader for the Zoras. Well, besides me, I suppose." Mipha replied in her usual soft voice.
You both giggled at her statement.

By the time you were done giggling, Link walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, signaling it was time to leave. You nodded before standing up, brushing off your clothes.
"Well, I'll see you later, Mipha. Tell Sidon I said 'hi', ok?" You smiled, and Mipha returned it with a wave.

"I will. Bye, (y/n)."

~~Time skip~~

Link was blushing, for some reason. He would occasionally glance at you, which you caught a glimpse of after a few times. You looked up at him, and he quickly averted his gaze, his blush going slightly darker.
'That's weird,' you thought, 'his face turns red when he's cold... But it isn't cold out here...'
You smiled a little, tilting your head to the side. "Link? Are you ok? Your face is red..." You asked, trying to meet his baby blue eyes with your (e/c) ones.

He only grunted in response, nodding at the same time. You were used to the fact that Link doesn't talk, so his grunting didn't surprise you.
You stopped walking, and Link stopped as well, looking back at you, as if asking what was wrong.

"Link... Is there... Something you want to tell me...?" Your voice was a little quieter this time, filled with concern and curiousity.
The blond Hylian simply nodded before walking towards you, a shy expression on his face. His blush was even darker once he was in front of you.

Before you could ask what was bothering him, Link's hand was gently caressing your cheek, and you were the one blushing this time.
"L-Link...?" You whispered, your eyes widened a little bit.
He slowly inched his face towards yours, occasionally glancing at your lips, then your eyes, then back to your lips, until he stopped, his lips barely touching yours.

You knew he was hesitating, so you moved your face forward, slowly, until your lips finally came into contact with his. Your (e/c) orbs fluttered closed, and Link did the same.
You wrapped your arms around the Hylian's neck, going on your tip-toes so you were more level with him. Link's arms snaked around your waist, bringing the both of you even closer to one another.

After about a minute, you both pulled away, slowly opening your eyes at the same time to look at each other. You couldn't help but giggle at his red face, some of his blush spread to the tips of his ears and to his neck. You could sense that you were blushing as well, since Link chuckled softly.

"So... Y-you like me...?" You asked after 5 seconds, still a little dazed from the kiss. Link nodded in response. You smiled, then pulled him into another kiss before saying: "I like you too, Link..." in a whisper.

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