I Believe In You! (Prince Sidon x fem!reader)

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Prince Sidon is trying to teach the reader how to swim, but the she is afraid of drowning. So, Sidon helps her out.


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Today was the day. Prince Sidon of the Zoras was going to teach (y/n) how to swim. The Hylian girl was nervous, as she has never swam before; she was afraid of drowning. (If you do know how to swim, pretend you don't. Just for this one-shot! Ok? Ok.)
But, not wanting to disappoint the Zora prince, who was her crush, she went to the body of water that was by Vah Ruta's perch.

"Ok, (Y/N)... Th-this is the day... Y-y-you can do this..." The girl muttered to herself, trying her hardest to build up her confidence. But, every time it would go up, it would drop back down in a second. She was on the verge of having a breakdown, but she heard the footsteps of a certain Zora. 'Sidon...' She thought to herself as she turned around, and looked up at the tall prince, shielding her eyes from the sun.

"Hey (Y/N)! Are you ready for your lesson?" Sidon asked in his usual enthusiastic tone, doing his signature grin that would make anyone squeal.

(Y/N) nodded, putting on a smile that she hoped wouldn't give away her nervousness. "Yea! I'm, uh... I-I'm ready!" 'Not...'
Sidon's grin melted into a concerned look, and he knelt down in front of the Hylian girl so that he was more her level. "(Y/N)... You don't have to do this if you don't want to." He spoke softly this time. (Y/N) shook her head, and looked up at him again.
"I do want to... Well, um... K-kinda... I-I-I'm just scared of drowning, Sidon..." The girl looked at her feet, rubbing her arm.
The Zora smiled, tilting his head slightly as he placed his hand on the girls' shoulder, giving it a gentle shake. "Hey... It's ok, (Y/N). I will be underneath you the whole time so you won't sink."
The girl tried to hold back a blush at the thought of her having to be on top of him for the lesson, but she knew it was the only way to keep her from going too deep underwater. Looking back up at the Zora prince, (Y/N) nodded. "A-alright... Let's do it..."

"That's the spirit, (Y/N)!" Sidon grinned, then stood up before diving into the water, and came back up to look at (Y/N). He swam closer to the edge, and adjusted himself so he was floating on his back. "I believe in you, (Y/N)... C'mon in, I'll catch you..." The Zora coaxed, spreading his arms out to each side so he can catch the girl.
(Y/N) gulped, and slowly inched towards the edge before sitting down. She dipped her toes into the water, and quickly jolted them away from the cold element. "I-it's cold, Sidon!" She said, hugging her knees.
"I know it is, but you'll get used to it. Just try dipping your legs in." Sidon suggested, getting a little closer to the edge to help the girl overcome her fears.

(Y/N) nodded, then dipped her feet into the water again. She flinched a little, but relaxed before slowly putting both of her legs in. She let out a small breath of relief, and looked over at the Zora prince with a small smile. "N-n-now what?" She asked, feeling the goosebumps on her legs start to rise.

"Now, just come down and lay on my torso. Don't worry, I've carried Link on my back before. Don't worry about me sinking." Sidon chuckled, and held his arms out again.
The girl let out a soft giggle, then slowly lowered herself until she was laying on top of Sidon's torso. She tried to hold back a blush, but this one was showing. "Heh... Th-that wasn't so b-bad..." (Y/N) stuttered out, her face almost as red as an apple. She heard Sidon let out a chuckle, and she looked down at him to see that his face was also slightly red; a shade of red that was lighter than his skin.
"Now then, let's get on with the lesson." Sidon managed to say without stuttering, and grinned.

~Time skip to after the lesson~

Sidon set (Y/N) up on the edge, grinning. "You did wonderful, (Y/N)! I knew you could do it!" He cheered out, and pulled himself up so he was sitting beside the girl. (Y/N) was smiling as she moved her (h/l) hair out of her eyes, then looked over at the Zora prince.
"Th-thank you, Sidon... For teaching me..." (Y/N) spoke, her voice quiet and shy. She looked into his golden eyes, then quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. She quickly pulled back before burying her face into her knees as she hugged them close to her chest. "I-I'm sorry.. I-I don't know what came over m-" The girl was cut off by Sidon as he lifted her chin up so she can look up at the tall Zora.
"(Y/N)... There's no need to apologize..." Sidon said in a gentle tone, then picked (Y/N) up before kissing her.

The two kissed for a while before they pulled away, both of their faces flushed as they smiled at each other.
"Sidon... I-I... I love you..." (Y/N) stuttered out as she stared into Sidon's yellow eyes with her (e/c) ones once again.
"I love you too, (Y/N)... I-I have for a long time..."

Ok, ok, I know this took a while! I was originally going to post this chapter around the end of January, but... Second semester of school started, and... Yeah... So, I'm really sorry for the delay! BUT! I will make up for it. Up next will be either Zant or Fierce Deity, so stay tuned for that! Love you all, stay awesome, and until next chapter, bye byeeee!

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