L'il Bug! (Agitha x child!male!reader)

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3rd person PoV

(This is probably the longest one-shot I've written in this book... So far, anyway. Idk. Requested by: @paultiteuf360)

(Y/n) was a normal, orphaned 6 year old boy, who lived in the streets of the citadel of Hyrule. He was stubborn, but adorable; his (e/c) eyes shone with personality, and his (h/c) (h/l) hair would bounce a little when he walked. Who wouldn't dub him cute?

One day, while walking an unknown path of the citadel, he saw a bug on the ground. But it wasn't an ordinary bug, oh no; it was golden. It sparkled and shone, even though the location was dark. (Y/n) stared in wonder at the bug, his eyes shimmering along with the insects' light.
Out of no-where, a hand tapped his shoulder, making the little boy jump. He turned around and looked up at the man who touched him.

"Hey kid, what are you doin' here alone? Don't you know this place is dangerous?" The man said, his gruff voice sounding like he swallowed sandpaper.
(Y/n) gulped, his eyes wide. "I-I'm just lost."
After he said that, another man came out of the shadows, as well as a third one. (Y/n) had a bad feeling from these men, but he showed no fear. "L-look guys, I don't want any trouble." He started to back up, "I'll just lea-- h-hey! Let me go!" He got grabbed by the third man, and started to thrash around. The other two men started to get closer, laughing as they reached to touch the little boy.

Then, a girl's voice echoed through the area of the citadel. "Hey! Let him go!" At that moment, a bunch of golden bugs began to fly towards the men. The swarm got closer, and the men let out girly screams as they ran away, swatting at the air. In the process, (y/n) got dropped, landing on his butt.

The source of the voice came out of her hiding spot. Her blonde hair was put into two ponytails, her bangs poking through her headband, which had the design of a bug's head. Her slightly poofy dress reached to slightly below her knees, and her black, elbow-length gloves held a basket, and a parasol in the other.
"Come back, l'il bugs! The baddies are gone!" She called out, and the golden bugs, including the one (y/n) found, came flying/crawling back to her. The girl looked over at (y/n), and smiled. "Hello there, l'il guy! I'm Agitha. Princess of the Bug Kingdom. The bug that you found is one of my subjects! Thank you for finding her." Agitha spoke in a cheerful, high pitched voice. She put the bug in a jar, then put the glass container in her basket.

(Y/n) stood up, brushing himself off. "I could've taken care of them myself, you know..." He muttered. When he looked up, he immediately noticed that Agitha was taller than him.
The girl giggled and shook her head, "Believe me, you wouldn't have been able to beat the baddies without my help." She knelt down to his level, giving him a closed-eye smile. "You're just so adorable~! What's your name, l'il guy?" She asked as she took (y/n)'s cheeks, rubbing and smooshing them with her black gloves.

(Y/n), of course, was not happy with this. He didn't like being called 'cute', especially by a girl who is 4 years older than him.
"Stop that!" He whined, prying Agitha's hands off of his face. He sighed, and spoke again, his voice more calm. "I'm (y/n)."

"(Y/n)... Tell me, where are your parents?" Agitha asked, tilting her head as she gave a concerned look to the little boy.
(Y/n) held back tears at her question. His parents were dead since he was 5, and he's been living in the citadel from that day on. He explained to Agitha what happened, and the girl's face went from concerned, to sad.

"Oh... I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know..." Agitha said, her voice soft. Then, a small smile spread on her face. She then stood up, and extended her hand to him. "Why don't you come live with me and my subjects? I'll take good care of you." She gave him another closed-eye smile as she said her offer.

(Y/n) shook his head. 'She's crazy! No way I'm living with her!' He thought to himself. He stared at Agitha for another second, before running past her and leaving the dark area of the citadel. (Y/n) ran and ran until he was in an even more unfamiliar place. Little did he know that that's where Agitha was waiting for him.
He bumped into the girl, who picked him up, her hands hooked under his armpits.

"Gotcha~!" She cheered out, giggling softly.
"Wha-? H-how did you...?" (Y/n) stuttered out, and Agitha let out another giggle.

"Why, my butterfly carried me here!" The blonde girl took out a glass jar, which contained a butterfly. "He's tiny in the jar, but when he's out, he can get huge!" Agitha stated before putting the container back in her basket. "Anyway, there's no point in running, so you're coming to live with me!" Agitha adjusted (y/n) so that his arms and legs were wrapped around her.
(Y/n) knew Agitha was right; there's no point in running, or protesting for that matter. He didn't know it, but deep down inside, he was happy that someone was taking him in.
Agitha smiled as she held him in a protective manner, and started walking to her home in Castle Town.

Eventually, the two made it to Agitha's house (or rather, her "castle"). Agitha held (y/n) in one hand as she opened the door with the other, revealing a large room. It was decorated with bookshelves, pictures and diagrams of bugs, and a large tree in the middle; around it, a spiral staircase.
"Welcome to my castle, (y/n)!" Agitha smiled. "I'll take you to your room." She walked up the staircase, smiling as she hummed to herself. On the second floor was a bedroom, one that contained two beds: one being Agitha's, the other being a spare.
"Here's your bed!" Agitha said in a cheerful tone, setting (y/n) down on the comfy cushioning. She smiled and, without hesitation or thought, she pulled him into a hug and started attacking his cheek with kisses. "You're so adorable! I've always wanted a little brother!" She squealed.
(Y/n) glared and pouted, crossing his arms. But no matter how grumpy he looked, it didn't stop Agitha from hugging him.
But, what (y/n) didn't want to express, was his relief and gratitude towards the girl who took him in.
Agitha eventually pulled away and smiled, then patted his head gently with her gloved hand. "Don't be so gwumpy~! Agitha's kingdom is meant to bring happiness and joy to all!"
At first, (y/n) flinched when the girl patted his head, but relaxed. He didn't realize it at first, but a small smile formed on his face.

One day, while the two were taking a walk in Castle Town, Agitha's hand in (y/n)'s littler one, the girl looked down at her 'little brother' (as she liked to call him) with a smile. "Would you like me to carry you? Your legs must be so tired." She offered.
It didn't take long for (y/n) to say yes. He didn't want to admit it, but he was used to being held by Agitha. Besides, his feet and legs were, in fact, getting sore.
The blonde girl smiled before picking him up, putting him on her back. "I'll give you a piggyback ride, to make it more fun!" Agitha grinned, holding onto (y/n)'s legs as they wrapped around her hips. Then, she started to run, both her and (y/n) giggling.

After a while, they reached a hill that was dotted with flowers, bugs flying and crawling around. Agitha smiled as she set (y/n) down, panting from running so much. "Whew, that was fun!" She breathed out.
(Y/n) laughed and nodded, wiping his (h/c) hair out of his eyes.
"It sure was... big sis." Those words caught both him and Agitha by surprise. But (y/n) knew what he called her, was what he wanted all along: a big sister.
Without warning, (y/n) ran to Agitha, tackling her into a hug. The girl squealed and laughed as they both rolled down the hill, and, once again, she attacked his cheeks with kisses.

"I knew you would warm up to me, l'il bug!"

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