The Usurper King and his Queen (Zant x Twili!Reader)

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Zant is trying to convince (y/n) to be his wife, but (y/n) is assuming it's only for power. But what she doesn't know is that it isn't for power at all...


The Twilight Realm was quiet today. The particles of twilight floated from the ground to the sky before coming back down, all in a continuous pattern. Zant watched the scene from the castle's balcony, a small smirk on his face. The Usurper has always believed he was the rightful king, and since Midna was gone, he felt like he could rule all of the Twili. But he was missing something: a queen.
The Usurper King had his eyes on a certain Twili. Her name was (y/n). She had (h/l) orange hair that ombrèed to red, glowing (e/c) eyes that trasitioned to red close to the pupil, and had a (body type) build; which was covered by a flowing grey dress, patterned with the traditional Twili design. She has a stubborn and sassy persona towards Zant, but there are some instances where she is sympathetic towards him.

The female Twili was taking a small stroll around the Twilight Realm, clearing her head. She walked onto one of the bridges before stopping halfway across. She then rested her elbows on the railing, leaning slightly forward so that she was more comfortable. The Twili let out a soft sigh, and closed her eyes. However, her moment of relaxation was interrupted by a familiar whooshing sound. The Twili looked up, and saw Zant coming towards her at full speed. Luckily, he stopped spinning and stood a few centimeters away from (Y/n), giving her enough space that she would be comfortable with.

"Ah, (Y/n). Beautiful day, isn't it?" Zant cooed from under his helmet, twisting his body around as he admired the Twilight-ridden sky. His body returned to its original state while he looked back at the female Twili; who rolled her eyes as she went back to how she was before the Usurper showed up.

"Wish I could tell the difference between night and day. The Twilight Realm confuses me, yet I've lived here all my life." (Y/n) muttered, looking at Zant with a side-eye, "What do you want, Zant?" She added, a hint of annoyance in her tone.
Zant just smiled, and leaned against the railing of the bridge. "I just wanted to say hello. You looked lonely, so I thought I'd drop by."

"Mm-hm, what do you really want?" (Y/n) rested her chin in the palm of her hand as she turned her head to completely face Zant.
The Usurper sighed softly, and he clicked the mechanism that covered his mouth so that it could be uncovered. His lips curled into a smile before he spoke, "I want you to be my queen, (Y/n)..." His pointy teeth showed a little when he talked.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened a bit, and her mouth hung agape. She quickly closed it and rolled her eyes before shifting her gaze back to the horizon. "Psh, you just want more power. I am not becoming your queen for your benefits." The Twili flipped her hand over so her palm was facing the sky before speaking again, "If I were to become a queen, I want it to be for love, not for power over the entire world; and that includes the Light Realm." She smirked a little when she finished her small lecture, and looked over at the Usurper, who was taken aback by her words.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue my stro-"

"I will not excuse you, (Y/n)!" Zant snapped, which surprised both him and the female Twili. He took a deep breath, and clicked another mechanism that allowed his helmet to disappear completely. His face was revealed to (Y/n), for the first time.
"(Y/N)... This is not for power, at all... I ask you to be my queen because..." The Usurper King paused, and (Y/n) raised a brow.
"Because...?" (Y/n) repeated, wanting to hear what Zant had to say.
"Because... I... I-I love you..." Zant finished, and stared deep into the female Twili's (e/c) eyes with his silver ones.

(Y/n) looked down as she tried not to blush. But she failed miserably. "You... Are you serious?" Her voice was soft, her sassiness seeming to have disappeared out of no-where.
Zant nodded, his hands balled into fists underneath his (long-ass) sleeves. "Y-yes... I am, (Y/n)... I understand you're mad at me for getting rid of Midna, and you have every right to not return my feelings, but... Please... I love you, (Y/n)... And a king needs a queen..."

(Y/N) stayed quiet for a bit, then let out a soft sigh before placing her black-and-white hand over Zant's sleeve. "Zant... Although I'll never forgive you for banishing the princess, who was my best friend..." She paused, then let out another sigh, "I... I love you too... But I'll only be your queen if you promise not to cause any more suffering for the Twili, or anyone else."

Zant tensed up a bit, but eventually nodded his head in a slow manner. "Alright... I promise." He said softly, then gently wrapped his arms around the smaller Twili's waist to bring her closer.
(Y/N) went stiff for a second, surprised by the Usurper King's actions and words, but relaxed before resting her head on his chest; and returned his embrace.

The female Twili eventually looked up at Zant, who returned her gaze, before craning her neck up to kiss him. With slight hesitation, Zant lowered himself a little so that his lips connected with (Y/n)'s, finally filling the gap between them that they didn't realize they really wanted to fill. The two kissed for at least a minute, before pulling away slowly. They looked into each other's eyes, a blush and a smile on both of their pale faces.
"I love you, (Y/n), my queen..." Zant said softly, placing his finger and thumb underneath the female Twili's chin in a loving manner.
"And I love you, Zant... My king..."

Hooooooooly Hylia, this one took me a while to do. Hopefully it was worth the wait. ^^; Alright, up next I will be writing Fierce Deity's one-shot, so stay tuned for that! Thank you so much for reading! Love you all, stay awesome, and 'til next time, bye byyyyyyye!

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