Her Guardian (Fierce Deity x Fem!Reader)

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Sorry this took so long! I've been super busy with school stuff, and I haven't had any time to update my books! Pwease don't kill me! Here's a new chapter to make up for it!

Requested by: @zeldasanna



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Fierce Deity has been looking over (Y/n) ever since she first saw him. He disappeared for a few years, for unknown reasons. Worried that he got caught up in some trouble, (Y/n) sets out to find him.

"~~" Are flashbacks.
"(Y/n)... (Y/n), wake up..." An echo-like voice gently spoke to the sleeping mortal. Fierce Deity gently placed his hand on the girl's shoulder, gently shaking it until she woke up. (Y/N) let out a yawn as she rubbed her sleepy eyes, then looked up at the Deity in a tired manner.
"Mm, what?" Her voice was groggy from being woken up by the Deity.

"I understand you have just awoken, but listen to me..." Fierce Deity sat down on the edge of the girl's bed, and moved his hand over so it laid on hers, "I must go to Termina, and I don't have that much time to spend with you... (Y/n), when I rid of Majora's Mask and the power within it, I will return to you... No matter how long it takes, I will come back. That, I promise you..." The Deity then stood up, and gently kissed the girl's forehead before giving a sad smile.

It has been a few years since Fierce Deity left (Y/n) to fight Majora. The little girl was now a teenager, her (h/l) (h/c) was (longer/shorter) than all those years ago; but her (e/c) eyes still had that sparkle in them. She was wearing a (f/c) shirt with (s/f/c) pants that went down to her calves. For footwear, she had black knee-high boots that were more suitable for wandering around in Hyrule. But she had a reason; to find her guardian. Her friend. The years may have passed, but she never forgot about him. She knew, deep in her soul, that the Fierce Deity was still in the other world known as Termina.

The girl was in the Lost Woods, following a trail that the hero took long ago. She followed the faint footprints until she reached an area with three tree stumps, which were elevated higher than the other as if they were stairs.
'Good thing I trained with Fierce...' She thought to herself as she prepared to climb the first stump. She got on top of it, and looked at the second and third. They were a little far, but were still at a good jumping distance; for her anyway. She leaped onto the second tree stump, then made another for the third one. She grabbed onto the edge, scraping her arm a little against the wood. Letting out a small hiss, she crawled up until she was on the top of the stump. The girl then sighed, and brushed off the bark that stuck to her skin, then picked out the small splinters, before walking into a dark corridor that was made out of a fallen tree.

Eventually, she reached a hole that went down. It seemed to never end, but (Y/N) knew about the deku flower that waited below. Without hesitation, she jumped down. After a while, she reached the flower that cushioned her fall, and brushed herself off after getting up. 'I'm coming, Fierce Deity...' She thought to herself as she made her way to another corridor; this one being twisted.

(Y/N) walked out of the clock tower, and entered a place that Fierce Deity told her about; Clock Town. She looked around, then felt a little rumble coming from the ground. She held onto the doorway to keep her balance, and looked up at the sky. A moon returned her gaze with a smile-like grimace on its face. The girl gulped, and quickly ran to a spot where she can see the top of the Clock Tower better. She saw that the moon was only feet away from the top of said tower, which made her knees shake.
'Th-the moon... Why is it so close...? I-is this because of Majora...?'
(Y/N) looked closer, and saw an imp on the spinning ball that was operating the clock. It appeared to be wearing a... mask... (Y/n)'s eyes widened, realizing whose mask it was. 'That is Majora's Mask! Fierce Deity has to be around here somewhere!' She looked around frantically, trying to see if she can spot her guardian friend. But to no avail.
"Where could he be..." She muttered to herself. "Maybe if I actually walk around, then..." The girl started walking, heading towards the West Gate. "I'll check there..."
From the roof of a building behind her, the Fierce Deity was watching the girl with a small smile on his face. 

A while passed, and (Y/N) still couldn't find her guardian. She went out to the field, and looked around before sitting on one of the steps that lead to Clock Town's east entrance. She let out a shakey sigh as she buried her face in her hands, being on the verge of tears. "H-he isn't here... What if... H-he's..." She muttered, and felt tears roll down her face. But those tears were wiped away by someone's hand. (Y/N) looked up, and her eyes widened when she saw the Fierce Deity in front of her. The guardian had a sad smile on his face as he brushed the girl's hair away from her eyes.
"Dead? Impossible. Deitys do not die, (y/n)." He said, his voice still having that familiar echo to it.

"Fierce!!" (Y/n) squealed as she threw herself into his arms, burying her face into the Deity's chest. Fierce chuckled softly while he returned the hug, resting his chin on top of the girl's head.
"I am sorry for making you wait, (Y/n)... Majora's power has not been destroyed yet... The moon will crash in 24 hours, and... Termina will be destroyed..."

The girl softly cried as she looked up at him. "Y-y-you mean... You h-have to leave me a-again...?"
Fierce Deity shook his head. "No... I will still be with you... I will leave a clone of myself to fight Majora, while the real me stays with you..." He pulled her head back to his chest, smiling a little. "I regret leaving you as a child... I made a promise that I will stay with you forever... But... Majora's plan to destroy Termina made me sidetracked... I apologize, (Y/N)..."

The girl smiled and shook her head. "There's no need to apologize, Fierce..." She looked up at him again, smiling a little more. "I forgive you..."
Fierce smiled, then gently kissed the top of (Y/N)'s head. "Thank you... I am your guardian and your friend still, right?"
(Y/n) giggled and nodded. "Of course you are, silly. You're still my guardian and my friend..." She trailed off, and looked down, "I... I love you..." She muttered, her voice barely audible.

Fierce tilted his head a little, and lifted the girl's chin with his thumb. "I did not catch that last part... Can you say it clearly?"
"I... I said I... love you... I-I know you don't know what it is because you're a Deity, but-..."
Her sentence got cut off by the Deity's lips on hers, and her eyes widened. She relaxed a few seconds later, then melted into the kiss. It lasted for about 15 seconds before the two pulled away. The Deity rested his forehead against hers, and smiled.
"I may be a Deity, yes, but I observe mortals and learn their behaviours when they're in what you call 'love'. And... I've developed those feelings for you... After seeing how much you have grown..."

(Y/n) felt her face heat up, and her lips quivered a little from what she just heard. "I... I-I don't know what to say..." She muttered, her (e/c) fixated on his glowing white ones.
Fierce smiled and kissed her forehead. "Do not say anything then. Just enjoy your time with your guardian... While his clone fights Majora..." He then took his hat off, and pulled out a mask that closely resembles his face. "I made this for the hero himself... For when he comes back..."
(Y/n) smiled, and rested her head on Fierce's shoulder as she looked at the mask. "He will come back..."

H O L Y  S H I T! I am SO  sorry for the long wait! I'm sure you all know why. That's right, school. But good news is that I'm almost done grade 12! Yay!

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