Let Me Heal You. (Mipha x reader)// WARNING: Spoilers and feels//

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You and Mipha are best friends. During the fight with Calamity Ganon, you both are wounded badly, and Mipha uses her last few seconds to heal you before her death.


The ground began to shake, and the clouds went dark. Black and red particles started to float through the air. Calamity Ganon was coming, and fast.
You and Mipha were getting ready to face the giant beast, grabbing whatever weapons you can. Mipha grabbed her Zora Trident, and got into her armor.
You took (weapon(s) of choice), and got into your armor, which was pretty strong. Before putting
on your helm, you tied your (h/l) (h/c) hair into a ponytail, making sure it fit into the last piece of armor.

"(Y/N)..." Mipha spoke in her usual soft voice to you, "Are you ready for this battle...?"
You turned to look at her, and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go get him." You replied, adjusting your battle gear before stepping forward, Mipha doing the same.

You both arrived at the field that laid in front of Hyrule Castle, where Calamity Ganon was floating around. The other Champions were waiting there as well, ready to strike.

"Alright guys, listen up. We gotta do this as a team." You stated. You were a little afraid, but you did not want to show it in front of the Champions. "We can NOT let Calamity Ganon win! We must protect Hyrule with our lives, even if it means sacrifice!"

The Champions did a small battle cheer after your speech.
"Alright, let's rock and roll!" Shouted Daruk, punching his fist into the air.
And with that, you and the Champions went to face Ganon.


"M-Mipha, look out!!" You yelled as you jumped in the path of Waterblight Ganon's eye beam. It went through your stomach. You thought Mipha was safe, but she got hit as well. The lazer went straight through, piercing yours and Mipha's flesh.
The Zora champion let out a scream, one that sent sadness and anger through your heart.

With all your strength, you picked her up and started to run, but you lost your balance because of your current state.
"(Y-Y/N), you..." Mipha got cut off by coughing up her own blood. "You need to.. g-go...." She whispered, and tears started to form in your eyes.
Shaking your head, you tried picking her up again, but another shot of pain spread through your body.

"No, Mipha... I-I won't leave you!" You said, your (h/c) hair matted to your face from the rain. You pushed it back and went to put your arms under Mipha again.
"(Y/N)... I-I will... always be with y-you..." A faint light started to materialize in Mipha's hands. "Just.... let me.... heal you...." After saying those words, the Zora Champion placed her hands on your wounds, and the light soaked into your skin, pulling all the muscle and tissues back to their places.

Your eyes widened when you saw, and heard, Mipha take her final breath, right after she healed you.
"M-M-Mipha...? M-Mipha?" You set her down, your hands shaking, as you realized she was gone. But yet, you couldn't control your words. You kept telling her dead body to wake up, or to come back, but no sign of life was visible.

Your best friend, Mipha... Was gone.

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