Twilight and Darkness (Zant x Twili! Reader x Ghirahim)

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Requested by @Toastygirl6

In this oneshot, Zant is introducing Y/N to Ghirahim, the demon lord, after taking Y/N with him to Hyrule. (The reader can choose how they are acquainted with Zant; sibling, friend, etc.)


 (Best image I could find of the bois-)

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(Best image I could find of the bois-)


"Zant, remind me again why we're going to Hyrule?" (Y/n) called out as she packed some stuff up for her trip with Zant. The Usurper King had plans for the Twili; he was going to introduce her to the Demon Lord known as Ghirahim.
"I told you a million times now, (Y/n), I'm going to introduce you to a friend of mine." The male Twili replied as he made his way to the female's room. When he got there, he let out a sigh after seeing what seemed to be a week's worth of packed bags. "And once again, it is only for today. It's not like we'll be gone forever." He added, his voice giving off an 'are-you-kidding-me' tone.

(Y/n) sighed and rolled her red-ish (e/c) eyes after hearing the last part. "Can I at least bring one bag, in case it turns out to be a sleepover or something?" She asked with slight sarcasm in her voice, and Zant rolled his eyes in response at his (acquaintance, friend, etc).
"Do what you wish. Just get ready and meet me at the main entrance." The usurper muttered, and without waiting for a response, he walked out of (Y/n)'s room to go to his own so he could get ready.

Zant's POV:

After closing the door to my bedroom, I let out a sigh as I run my hand down my face. "I just hope that attitude of hers doesn't get her killed... Especially by Ghirahim..." I mutter to myself as I go to my closet to change into some fresh clothes, since my current attire got soiled somehow, "Perhaps we should walk around Hyrule - that should give me enough time to remind (Y/n) about using her manners around him, considering he is the Demon Lord..."
Once I was changed, I grab my helm as I walk out the door to meet (Y/n) where I told her to wait.

No one's pov:

Hearing the usurper coming down the stairs made the female Twili turn her head in the direction of the source, and her lips curled into a small smile. Surprisingly, she didn't have any of her bags with her - she decided that they would slow them down, considering how much stuff she packed. The only item in her hands were a pair of daggers, just to protect herself from anything - or anyone - that may attack her and Zant during their journey to Hyrule.

With an amused smile, Zant stood in front of the female, his scimitars resting under the long sleeves of his attire

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With an amused smile, Zant stood in front of the female, his scimitars resting under the long sleeves of his attire. "Are you ready to go, (y/n)?" He asked, and received a nod from said Twili. After returning the nod, he walked towards the giant double door that led outside, (Y/n) bounding behind him.

~Time skip~

"What is taking him so long?!" The demon lord shouted in annoyance to the air, the only response being his own echoes and the soft breeze, which ran through his white hair and red-and-yellow patterned cape that rested on his shoulders. "He said he would be here in 30 minutes... It has been much longer than that!" He growled, his hands clenching into fists. Before he could let out another complaint, Ghirahim heard footsteps approaching him, but it wasn't just one person - there was a second source alongside the first one. Licking his pale, smirking lips, Ghirahim turned around to see Zant, accompanied by a female Twili.

"Ah, there you are. I was worried you weren't going to show." He purred out, and his dark eyes focused on the female with a curious gaze. "And I see you brought a friend~." He added while taking a couple of steps towards her. "What is your name, my dear?"
(Y/n) looked up at Zant, as if asking him for permission to state her name, then looked back at the extremely pale man in front of her with a small smile.
"I'm (y/n), Zant's (whatever your relationship is with the twili)." Her voice was soft as she spoke. Normally she was sassy, sarcastic. But Zant warned her of Ghirahim's temper on the way, so she kept his advice in mind.

"Ah~, (Y/n). Such a lovely name," Ghirahim smirked slightly, "I am the demon lord, Ghirahim. But please, just call me Ghirahim." As he said the last part, he lowered his upper body into a bow, his head dipping to match his posture.

Zant's lips curled into a smile as he watched the two commune, his hands clasping behind his back. "Well, now that you two are introduced, why don't we go for a walk? (Y/n) has never been out of the Twilit Realm, I'm sure she would love a tour of Hyrule."
(Y/n) tilted her head to the side as she looked up at the Usurper, her brow cocked slightly, then shrugged. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to explore." She said with a smile, looking back at Ghirahim. "What do you say, Ghirahim?"

Hearing his name roll off her tongue made Ghirahim's body tense slightly, as he was surprised at how smooth and perfect it sounded to him. "Y-yes," He coughed, attempting to hide his stutter before trying again, "Yes, I would be honoured to show you around the mortal realm~." He managed to keep his composure this time, and extended his hand to the female with a smirk; who happily accepted it.

Shortly after, the three began their tour around Hyrule, occasionally scaring people with their appearances and mischievous/evil behaviours. Oh, how it's wonderful being a creation of darkness~.


I'm so sorry for the delay. Y'know your girl, getting sidetracked and all that shit... Annnnnd I know the oneshot probably sucked, but I tried. Anyway, I hope you liked it. Love you all, stay awesome, and 'til next time, bye bye~!

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